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Old 02-25-2006, 10:29 PM
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i'm pretty sure i'm going to go with some sort of sand bed now, just not the sugar grain sand like last time, anyone got any advice on something a bit bigger thats not going to get blown around everywhere?????
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Old 02-25-2006, 11:31 PM
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As an initial clarrification for future reference, so everyone understands the expression "faux sand-bed".... faux means false in french.

Yes, I shall chime in on this one, heh.

I currently have a faux sandbed in the bottom of my 75g reef. It has been in there since December. I used Envirotex-Lite epoxy(about... 3/4 gallon of it) mixed with sand, and layed it directly onto the glass. After it hard started to harden, I sprinkled a bunch more sand on top, to make sure I had the sand-bed look. I did this because the type of epoxy I was using is a poor-on high-gloss finish. You can choose to mix the sand in, and have a smooth topped clear, hard finish, with which you can see sand inside, or have the sand on top. The stuff I used was quite expensive mind you, 89.99 at the only place I could find it in the city.

I used to run sand in the system, and the difference in alk and CA levels is obvious. It was very easy to up flow, and I do not get sand blown all over the place, my sand-bed always stays in place, lol. I have a 32x turnover rate in the tank(per hour). Two seio 1100's mounted in the rear corners facing the middle of the front glass(the Maxi-jet for the refugium doesnt cause much water turbulence obviously). I have found that syphoning detrius out is almost as easy as with a BB, but its nice to still get the sand-bed look. Yes, I do have some corraline growing on the bottom, however I dont mind it. IMO, it doesnt look bad. I have never had anyone question my 'sand-bed', lol, unless they know about it in the first place.

I do have the tank about half full of SPS, which I find the fact I can have more flow quite beneficial. I also do have two clams, a squamosa and crocea, both on the 'FSB'(faux sand-bed), and there is still quite a bit of flow even under the crocea, and some by the squamosa, but this doesnt seem to affect their footing on the FSB.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions about it feel free to ask!

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Old 02-25-2006, 11:35 PM
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Here is a pic of it before there was much in the tank. Gives you an idea of what the finished product looks like:

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Old 02-26-2006, 03:47 AM
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Talking to Bev about her BB, it is much harder to stack live rock because you can use the sand to level the piece of rock how you want it.

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Old 02-26-2006, 07:05 AM
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I have found the rock to stay in place well, and move alot less with my FSB.

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Old 02-26-2006, 09:02 PM
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I imagine it would stay in place better, and not move around on you.

But for initial placement, how the rock sits on the hard surface is how the rock sits, except to turn it. You can't adjust as easily as with sand..

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Old 02-26-2006, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by TheReefGeek
Talking to Bev about her BB, it is much harder to stack live rock because you can use the sand to level the piece of rock how you want it.
I wouldn't exactly say it is "harder" to stack LR on a BB tank. I would say that if a rock on the base has one or two ways it will stand on the BB, those are your only two options and you have to work around these limitations. However, with a sandbed, you can partially push your lowest rocks into the sand to a certain degree and have the sand support those rocks so they can be at slightly different angles than just the one or two offered with the BB.

That said, once a rock is placed on the BB, it does not move around unless you move it. Also, it seems to be much easier, at least with the rock I have, to creatively aquascape a large tank than it is to aquascape a smaller one. Of course, my smallest tank is 24'x18'x24" high and with the limitations of the rock I have for that tank, it takes as long to aquascape as my 48"x24"x24" high.

I'm also at a saturation point with coralline on the bottom of one of my tanks, and each time I siphon out the crud, I am also loosening and siphoning out a bit of coralline, too.

Whether you do a faux bottom or just go BB, make sure to leave spaces between your rock stacks and tank walls for basting the crud out from under your rock, where most of your tank's crud will accumulate.

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Old 02-27-2006, 01:14 AM
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Good one Bev See I have my 170 Fowlr BB and the nano that im setting up will have DSb so the gobies can burrow

go figure..

180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 03-01-2006, 02:23 PM
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You know your giving something alot of thought when you have a dream about it haha. I had a pretty vivid dream of me going with a BB and not liking the looks, but then I go and dump a bunch of sand in and have a neverending cloud of sand blowing around maybe the faux might do it for me now...
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Last edited by prosnow; 03-02-2006 at 04:45 AM.
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Old 03-01-2006, 02:48 PM
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IMO ... (key word)

I would go BB in a nano... as you'll see how quickly nitrates and phosphates can build up. When you think about it.. unless you have something that can really stir up the sand... its just like a bed of gunk and crap... a bed of gunk and crap that you can't really see.

Over time it just keeps building up, right? But in a BB tank, nothing can settle in the bottom like that... and keeping the tank free of detritus would be much easier IMO.

Yes, it probably will look a little weird in the beginning, but overall and in the end I think it would be worth it...

That's just my view on it now, and I am thinking of going BB myself,.... at the very least if you do decide to go with sand, I would do the FSB, or a very small sand bed... (easier to keep clean this way as well)

Good luck, let us know what you go with
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