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Old 02-22-2006, 01:20 PM
kit kit is offline
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Default Aqua Clear Filter Q's

I'm picking up a AC 110 (aka 500), but the fish store suggested I needed to buy 4 seperate filters for it.

I wanted to ask this forum for an honest opinion and not from a salesperson point of view (though all comments are welcomed).

The first product is the FOAM insert.
The second product is the CARBON insert.

So far I assume that these 2 are required.

Now the next two I am not sure about?
The Ammo-Rid
The Zeo-Carb

I don't think the Aqua Clear would fit all 4 items inside the housing, and I on the packaging, all of them (other then Foam) are labeled as "Step 2".

Which of those do I buy and in what order do I install them in my filter?

Thanks all for for your help.
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Old 02-22-2006, 01:41 PM
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neither will work in a sw environment. ammo-rid and zeocard both has ammonia absorbing properties, but just get plugged up almost instantly with other minerals found in saltwater.

also, zeocarb is simply 1/2 ammo-rid and 1/2 carbon. You'll be fine with just the sponge and carbon..make sure to clean it though..doesn't take long for the sponge to plug up
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Old 02-22-2006, 02:10 PM
kit kit is offline
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Thanks for the reply.

Sorry should have been clearer.

The use is for freshwater.
Should I use the amo-rid or zeocarb ontop of the carbon and which one would you recommend?

Of simply stick with Foam and Zeo carb combination?

Thanks again.
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Old 02-22-2006, 02:14 PM
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it all depends if you've got an ammonia problem..if not, why try to remove what's not there? if you do have an ammonia problem, just put in a bag of ammo-rid until it's gone, then replace your carbon..too much media and you'll inhibit flow through the filter
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Old 02-22-2006, 07:10 PM
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The sponge to catch stuff

The carbon to polish the water. (As long as you want the water polished that it)

Ammo-rid to help lower ammonia levels. (Alright for an emergency, But shouldnt you really just do a water change or figure out whats causing the problem.)

Zeo-carb is 1/2 & 1/2 of carbon and ammo rid.

Theres nothing wrong with haveing all on hand, But i wouldnt run them all at same time. I myself run a sponge on my fresh tank's and will only use the others if there is a need.
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Old 02-23-2006, 06:05 AM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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There are really 2 things you should run in the AC filters for best results.

The sponge which you want primarily to catch bits of poop etc and the ceramic rings which provide surface area for good ammonia and nitrite eating bacteria to live on. The sponge will provide the bacteria a place to live as well but it is nice to have the rings to provide that function so you are free to wash the sponge out really well with out the risk of killing all the bacteria. You don't have to use the packaged rings for this either, anything with a lot of surface are will work. You can use a second sponge or my favorite, small pieces of lava rock.

The zeolite products used for ammonia removal are not really required. In my experience they don't really work well anyway.

As others have said, the carbon is not required either. I only use it when I need to remove something from the water like a medication. If you do use it you have to replace it regularly.

I'm not sure how you are supposed to jam all 4 of those in there anyway, it can take 3 max.
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Old 02-23-2006, 01:57 PM
kit kit is offline
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Thank you all for the honest truth in suggesting to use primarily the sponge.

How long is the life span of the foam insert before I need to replace it?
(Or just keep rinsing it indefinitely)
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Old 02-23-2006, 02:13 PM
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I usually rinse mine every few weeks as crud and plant bits collect in there. The sponge will start to turn a bit off color. I usually replace it when it starts to get a brownish tinge to it.

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Old 02-23-2006, 02:29 PM
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I think hagen recommends changing the sponge every 6 months for "optimal" biological wellbeing.
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Old 02-23-2006, 03:59 PM
deep6er deep6er is offline
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i would and do myself change the foam insert every 6 months or so. I do water changes on my fresh water tanks once a week and do not use carbon unless I have fry and have never had a problem. Running carbon all the time is a waste of $$ ( i think) . I would run foam and Bio max, and do weekly water changes and you will be good.

good luck
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