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Old 12-17-2005, 07:49 PM
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reeferaddict reeferaddict is offline
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Default Common Newbie problems we could do without.

In reading some of the recent threads on here, I have become a little disillusioned with some people's experiences. I feel that it is the responsibility of those of us that have been in the hobby for a few years that have successfully kept reefs to try and help these people out.

Firstly, this hobby has aspects at which everyone is "new" to. Personally I have become a sponge for information, and while I rely mostly on the widely accepted schools of thought, I always have one eye open to the hobbyists that share sometimes unique experiences. One of the problems someone new into the hobby faces is the plethora of information and misinformation available. Even printed material from more than a few years ago has dated subject matter that the "hobby" may have refuted by the time the reader reads it, so it is important to carefully weigh information that may apply to each individual's situation.

The next thing we all have to consider is the uniqueness of each of our little biotypes. There are so many variables that affect our systems that no single method can encompass to ensure success. This is where new people should try and stick to the "tried and true" methods until they are comfortable with further options and completely understand them.

One of the really sad things that happens is when the new hobbyist goes to a retail outlet and expects that the advice of the retailer to be the gospel of reefkeeping. This can be compounded when the same hobbyist is going to two or three places and getting advice from all without each one having a complete picture. The results of this are evident when we read posts on here asking why the person has algae blooms when they're using 13 different additives, or why their "reef safe" Lionfish is snacking on their $30 ornamental shrimp. I read and researched for over a month before I even started in this hobby, if I had my time back, I would have read a whole lot more.

At the same time, it would seem to me that there are people out there that just can't, or won't listen or understand the advice given to them. Or they are confused by conflicting information received from multiple sources. To these people I encourage you to simplify things. When you become comfortable and successful, then maybe expand your horizons. Mistakes will be made by all of us, learn from them, and SHARE them. Ignore people on here that flame you because you did something with unexpected results. We all learn vicariously through others. (Hopefully).

I cringe at the thought of the money and time wasted in this hobby, but even more so when you consider the lives of the animals. I include myself when I say that many animals could have been saved had more research been done to determine that we could provide adequete conditions to ensure their survival. I suggest trying to find someone on one of these boards that has had a period of success that you try and get to "mentor" you. Again, realize that everyone's reef is unique, but in relying on info from a successful fellow reefer, you know they have made the investment, with time and money, to acheive what you want to.

Happy reefing!
135G Mixed Reef. Bullet 2, 25 gal refugium, 2 X250W MH + 4X 96W PC\'s, DIY Calcium Reactor, Coralife 1/6 HP Chiller, Phosban, Tunze, 2 closed loops & SQWD\'s, Seios, Coralife 4 stage RO/DI & a bunch of other expensive gadgets... I may never retire, but I'm gonnahavahelluvanaquarium!
Old 12-18-2005, 11:20 PM
tcollin tcollin is offline
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Default Wow.

I researched (read/asked/read more/asked more/rinse and repeat) reefing for almost two years before I started a 5gal nano. and then I started asking more and reading more. so far I haven't taken anyone's word as gospel, as anyone I have talked to has told me "my mileage may vary". I have been enjoying my little piece of reef for six months now, and after the holidays, plan to expand. I don't think I would have done as well as I have if it hadn't been for the people out there who have "been there, done that, and then tweaked it a bit more". Most of those folks I owe a beer. A few of them I owe an open bar. If it hadn't been for those people's patience I would have said "screw it" and bought a race car.

Keep up the good advice.

"I'm not here. I'm somewhere else playing with my kids."

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