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Old 11-25-2005, 03:48 PM
addam4208283 addam4208283 is offline
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Default name brands what should i go for?

i have gone to a couple different fish places, a few of the big ones (petco, and petsmart) and a couple smaller places. each time i go into the store and ask what they recommend for brands in protein skimmers, canister filters, etc. each time it only seems that they want me to buy products form their store. i ask ?'s comparing and contrasting products from different stores and i always seem to get the same answer. basically saying that the other stores don't know what they are talking about and that they are just trying to make me buy an over priced less then ok product. so i wanted to post here to see what you guys recommend to look at. i know here i will get different answers as well, but with out the whole pressuring to buy your product going on.

thanks for your help in advance.
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Old 11-25-2005, 03:51 PM
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Well of course they want you to buy from their store, they don't make any money suggesting you go somewhere else

Can you give us some specs on your tank size, inhabitants, lighting etc and what kind of equipment you are looking for?

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Old 11-25-2005, 04:23 PM
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I think for a price Vs Quality comparrison, you can beat the remora line of products, I also like how quiet they are compaired to the venturi types.

Although I have no personal experience with them, I have also heard good things about the newer coralife needlewheel type skimmer line.
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Old 11-26-2005, 10:32 PM
addam4208283 addam4208283 is offline
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at the moment i am planning on setting up a 29 or 30 gl tank with fiji live rock, maybe some zoos,leathers, frogspawns, etc. for fish a pair of clowns, some goby(2)(not sure what kind i like them all), (do you think the tank is to small to house a flame angel?) if so then a yellowhead jawfish.
i don't think i am gong to get started until after the holiday. right now i am just following the advice i have read and am looking to see whats out there. for filters i am thinking right now i like the penn plax cascade canister filters from petco, protein skimmer i don't know yet which one i like, and power jets i haven't decided yet either. lighting i think i can use one that i have lying around that i used for a poison dart frog vive. i am not sure what it is exactly anymore, i am looking for the receipt. if i can't find it i will have to order a new light(what would you guys rec?).

i think i got everything that i have come up with so far.
thanks again
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Old 11-26-2005, 10:41 PM
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Originally Posted by RobbAdams
I think for a price Vs Quality comparrison, you can beat the remora line of products, I also like how quiet they are compaired to the venturi types.

Although I have no personal experience with them, I have also heard good things about the newer coralife needlewheel type skimmer line.
Do you mean can't beat them
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Old 11-27-2005, 04:21 AM
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Old 11-27-2005, 04:47 AM
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Old 11-27-2005, 06:46 AM
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Just my opinion...

Stay away from chain stores... Cheap plastic junk and well intentioned, but underpaid inexperienced staff for the most part.

The most important piece of equipment you will ever have is knowledge. Read as much as you can, ask any questions you have no matter how trivial, and get as many opinions from reliable sources as you can. Establish a relationship with a LFS that you trust, (the people with the NICEST tanks and most experience), and keep them honest by looking around at prices. Even if you live some distance away, this will be worth it.

You won't need a "filter" if you use Live Rock... do some research on skimmers for your size of tank, Prizm, Remora, Seaclone, Tunze, etc... and pick one that meets your demands and works into your budget... *HINT* I spent the same amount of money on my first 3 skimmers as I did finally on my last one...

Unless your frog used to sunbathe in a 10,000 K metal halide light I would suggest looking at new lighting... without the proper spectrum and intensity lighting, all the rest becomes a moot point.

Remember to keep asking - we all want everyone to be successful, good luck and make sure to post some pics of your new project!
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