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Old 07-21-2005, 03:07 PM
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Don't forget having to declare livestock brought to and from Alberta...
Visit the Vancouver-based Reef Network at
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Old 07-24-2005, 06:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Doug
So, before the barb wire fence goes up, do we former Albertans have a chance to move back?

If not, am I allowed to come visit my son in Red Deer?

Can I visit my brother in Calgary?

Can I still visit my uncle in Edson?

Do we need a passport?

LOL ... thats funny

Here is some food for thought from a friend of mine ... try not to dismiss it out of hand but to take a few minutes to let it sink in

Draw a line at the Mb border...if they don't want to go...fine. Draw it at the Sask/MB border then.


Oil N Gas comin out of the ying yang. (BC, Ab, Sask)
No transfer payments ( that is equal to about 5K annually per man/woman/child )
Mineral wealth out of the ying yang (BC)
Hydro electric power comin out of the ying yang (BC)
Wind Power in Pincher Creek to the tune of potential 15,000 mega watts - annually (Ab)
A Pacific Port with world class container capability (BC)
The best two parks in the world (Banff and Jasper)
Agriculture ability to grow just about anything and certainly provide for us and export. (BC, Ab, Sask)
A cattle Industry that will survive and survive nicely thank you. (BC, Ab, Sask)
PNE, Stampede, Klondike Days and whatever they do in Sask in the Summer..(no offense you guys..LOL)
Never having to listen to the Left wing Drivel from the CBC. (That in itself would be worth it ..LOL)

Force a return of a significant portion of surplus EI monies
Force a return of a significant portion of surplus Canada Pension Plan dollars
...or in return...
...negotiate a reduced percentage of Payment for our part of "Canada's" nil maybe.!

But most important of all, We have likely the greatest concetration of innovative, forward thinking entreprenurial people on the planet.

Detractions: NONE

What is interesting is that although Quebec has many times threatened separation, they simply cannot afford it. We in the west pay for them to live in their socialist dream society.

The difference for us in the west is...we simply do not need the East to a matter of fact we would do much much better as a separate entity.

“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
― Voltaire
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Old 07-24-2005, 06:57 AM
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More food for thought ... a communist state is what you are insinuating will happen in Alberta right Doug ? ( cant visit relatives ... barbed wire fences at the border etc )

Far from the truth ... we are in fact losing our democratic rights little by little and those that either dont care or to scared to look might ridicule the alternative.

The west has no voice because the power of government lies in the east ... we do get the privilege to pay however and the Robin Hood mentality of take from the rich and give ( pay off the poor for votes ) to the poor needs to stop. What would work better is encourage investment in industry in the " have not " provinces so that they may become self sufficient ... not gonna happen with a Liberal government ... staying in power is all that matters ... sad really

In response to a post stating that us Westerners and North Americans, had no idea as to what is, and we wouldn't know what was "Communism"

What kind of left wing drivel is this.../"we wouldn't know"/. I beg to
differ my friend.

Communism/Nazism are simply different forms of leans way left and the other leans way way right with the common factor being to stay in power for just that...POWER.

In Canada, our government and its policy's tend to be way way
let us look at communism then shall we..??

*USSR* All media was controlled by the govt
*Canada* Main stream Media is funded by, and as such controlled by the govt

*USSR* you were told what you can and cannot watch/read
*Canada* You are told what you can and cannot watch/read (CRTC)

*USSR* elections were rigged such that there is no way to advertise a
differing position nor was one tolerated
*Canada* elections are rigged in a similar way: Try putting up an ad on
TV against the Govt. Not tolerated. ( Liberal installed election gag act
1999 or 2000 - Jean Cretien). Differing views (anything that is not left
wing Liberal), is immediately condemed as "fanatic-extreme"

*USSR* Judges were apopointed that followed Govt rules/regulations and
*Canada* Judges are appointed and typically follow Govt line of thinking
(ie; LEFT)..or they would not get appointed

/Communism supposedly takes from the rich and gives to the poor But in
reality the Politburo took a nice very healthy commision/

/Canadian "Democracy" takes from the rich and calls it Equalization
payments and along the way the Liberals take their nice little healthy
comission as well./

*USSR* Gun Ownership was illegal
*Canada* With the "Gun control legislation" only the criminals are going
to have guns and the rest of us sooner or later will have them taken away.

*USSR* had no Senate
*Canada* might as well not either as ours is appointed and
staffed/rigged as to follow Govt policy.

*USSR* Head of Politburo was Supreme ruler (no checks and balances)
*Canada* Prime Minister is Supreme ruler (no checks and balances)

*USSR* Govt was in Power to stay in Power for no other reason that to
have power over all.
*Canada*: Liberal policy above.

*USSR* Govt officals reeked of corruption
*Canada* see above

Just a few likenesses I would say. The problem is just as our local talk
radio guru has said all is a form of "creeping activism". And
we continue to lose democratic rights day by day. Not in a fell swoop,
but an inch at a time. That in medical terms is called Chronic.

“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
― Voltaire
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Old 07-24-2005, 01:56 PM
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Uh, that was a joke Steve. Its from the way you guys ae putting it. Lets take our ball and run and to hell with the rest of them

I lived in Calgary when you could not give your house away, so its not always been as now.
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Old 07-24-2005, 05:53 PM
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I would support the idea of Alberta becoming a country of it's own.

I for one am sick of seeing my tax dollars being loaded on an eastbound brinks truck.


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Old 07-24-2005, 06:08 PM
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The only reason Alberta is wealthy as it is now is Oil, and the worlds hunger for it. As soon as its gone, say good bye to the money.

I think we need to work towards fixing Canada, not finding ways to destroy it.

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Old 07-24-2005, 06:16 PM
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Since Canada became a country, including BC, BC has been paying the lions share to support most of the country. The maritimes did thier share untill all thier natural fishing stocks were exploited.

AB has had nothing untill recently, after FEDERAL $$ was poured into the backyard of the smug King Klein & his folowers, untill thankfully something worth value, oil was found.

Agriculture? Farmers have been subsidised for YEARS.
Wood, electricity, minerals? Nope, we have it all over here in BC.
Cattle? HO HO HO.
Oil? If the Liberals in BC get thier way and we go into the Queen Charlottes, BC will have 60% - 80% more then AB. WE have a bit of our own already!

Parks? Not when you need your own wood supply!

See how getting goods into AB is without a single ocean port. (See central african countries). Watch all your new found $$ slip away into the monopolies formed by your new land locked state.

Oh and good luck getting clean drinking water when everyone pours thier waste into what used to be thier neibours back yard, but now is a hostile neibour.

Now some of these Albertans, all up high on thier horses want to run take thier ball and run away on thier own, as thier superiority permits them to do?

That is probably the single most ignorant, disgusting thing I have heard, and if most Albertans sincerely feel this way, them becoming a country on thier own would be a good thing. Even if 90% of my family is Albertan. I mean really what do you expect from a province headed for years by a guy with a grade 6 education.

I would rather BC be annexed by the US, bow and kiss Bush's ass, join the army and get killed in Iraq then be grouped with above said Albertans.

Have a nice day and don't fall face first into and cow pies
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Old 07-24-2005, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Doug
Uh, that was a joke Steve. Its from the way you guys ae putting it. Lets take our ball and run and to hell with the rest of them

I lived in Calgary when you could not give your house away, so its not always been as now.
Heh ... You know the reason for that was Trudeau's NEP program where we were forced to sell our oil below world trading values and it almost killed our oil industry. ahh ... good times

“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
― Voltaire
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Old 07-24-2005, 10:19 PM
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@ Justin ... calm down man ... dont get your pan*i*s in a knot

falling face first in cow pies

nobody said a ill word about BC but now that you bring it up it seems that you cannot help but admit that you guys have made horrible choices in government and that is why you are in the economic situation you are in

First the NDP and now the libs are going to take their pound of flesh

Say what you want about Ralph but he has used our economic windfall and prudently invested it to take us out of debt when Trudeau's policies of the late 70's early 80's sunk us in a economic void that has taken us 25 years to climb out of ... if you dont start now how long do you think it is going to take BC to get out of debt ?

And just so you know that what is rumoured to be true just because it was first repeated in the east ... aint always so

Alberta Strikes Oil!
February 13, 1947, was an historic day for Alberta. It was on this day that Vern “Dry Hole” Hunter and Alberta struck oil. The effects from that one oil strike would bring people from all over Canada to work on Leduc #1 and change the economic, political and social climate of Alberta.
Born in Nanton, Alberta, Vern Hunter began his career in the oil industry as a junior clerk working for Royalite Oil. In 1927, Hunter had his first roughneck job on the early rotary rigs in the Turner Valley field. By 1940 he had made his way to tool push, in charge of one of the first portable diesel powered rigs in Canada. Vern Hunter, who became known for his lack of success in drilling for oil, earned the nickname "Dry Hole" Hunter.

While working as a tool push for Imperial Oil in mid-November of 1946, Vernon Hunter was ordered to move a rig to a different location, just miles west of Leduc. It was here that the monumental Imperial Leduc No. 1 was spudded and changed the oil industry in Alberta forever. It was Hunter's 134th hole.

On a miserably cold day in February 1947, hundreds of people met in the middle of wind-swept field a few kilometers outside of Leduc. They were there to witness Leduc #1 coming into production. Leduc #1 only yielded about 319,000 barrels of oil, but it remains a powerful symbol and signpost in Alberta’s history.

To help tell the continuing story of Alberta’s oil and gas industry, the Government of Alberta has provided centennial legacy funding to a number of public interpretive centres and museums. These projects include the Turner Valley Gas Plant Historic Site, the Oil Sands Discovery Centre and the Canadian Petroleum Interpretive Centre Museum at Leduc.
Alberta seperation or western seperation is all about the same thing ... we dont have a say in what goes on at the federal level ... if sask, BC and manitoba want to come along ... great ! ... if not ... sadly we can go it alone as well.

As far as being isolated because we dont have a port ... Lots of Europen countries dont have a port and get by just fine so no port is not a threat worth considering ... and whatever we cant get due to possible economic embargo/retaliation by the rest of Canada we can get from the US who is our largest trading partner anyway.

The reality is that seperation would not be a issue if we had a voice in where our dollars are spent but politics in Canada is such that the Liberal Government openly steals our money and get reelected anyway.

Enough is enough

“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
― Voltaire
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Old 07-24-2005, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Buk_A_neer
Originally Posted by Doug
Uh, that was a joke Steve. Its from the way you guys ae putting it. Lets take our ball and run and to hell with the rest of them

I lived in Calgary when you could not give your house away, so its not always been as now.
Heh ... You know the reason for that was Trudeau's NEP program where we were forced to sell our oil below world trading values and it almost killed our oil industry. ahh ... good times
Cant argue with him helping to put us into the mess we were in.
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