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Old 06-09-2005, 02:40 AM
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its almost pretty
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

90 Gallon LPS tank - Challice, Acans, Favia, Diplo and Zoos
125 Gallon SPS Coming Soon!
Old 06-09-2005, 02:45 AM
Gringos Gringos is offline
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Thats what people that come in and don't know anything say. I guess its a good thing, I get to show off and say they are priceless and hard to grow. lol
Old 06-09-2005, 03:09 AM
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Welcome to Canreef!

Well I'll say, "it could be worse"

Cut down on the feedings. Manual removal if possible and good luck!

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Old 06-09-2005, 03:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Beverly
Originally Posted by bluetang

I would say the only way to get rid of that is a tear down and a good hard scrubbing with a nail brush
Been there, done that, got tons more valonia
yeah im not sure how worse off a position he could be in so it might get him over the hump so the emeralds can stay ontop of it.

also you might consider using some rowphos or phosban to help cut down on the food the algae is getting. the reason your test kit is saying 0 phosphates is because your valonia is using it all up. also if you dont have a fuge consider getting one, macros will also help starve off the bubbles food source and help kill of your remaining nitrates.

yeah and as said feed way less!
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

90 Gallon LPS tank - Challice, Acans, Favia, Diplo and Zoos
125 Gallon SPS Coming Soon!
Old 06-09-2005, 03:20 AM
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gah, that is unreal.. personaly, I would boil it.. thats just crazy.

Either that or add a ton of other macro algae and remove as much of the bubble algae as you can.

Test your water sources also, the reason for your good levels is because that bubble algae is eating it all up. Do you use straight tap water or do you have an RO/DI?

Can stop feeding so much, a huge part of your problem for sure.

gah, what willow said

Old 06-09-2005, 03:24 AM
Gringos Gringos is offline
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I do have a fuge, its about 15g with cheato and some red hair algea. The cheato is growing to be preaty big. I use only RO water for top ups and water changes. I guess I chould get one of them meater to check the water comming out of my RO unit.
Old 06-09-2005, 03:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Gringos
I do have a fuge, its about 15g with cheato and some red hair algea. The cheato is growing to be preaty big.
If it were me I'd make my whole tank a fuge for a month or so.. just get lots of macro algae in there... except calurpa (sp)

Old 06-09-2005, 04:26 AM
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do you have a tds reading of your source water? where abouts do you live?
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

90 Gallon LPS tank - Challice, Acans, Favia, Diplo and Zoos
125 Gallon SPS Coming Soon!
Old 06-09-2005, 02:42 PM
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First of all Scott said:
it is MUCH better to UNDERfeed than to OVERfeed... just to clarify.
Thats so wrong its almost funny. Its not better to starve your fish.

Secondly, WOW I've never seen that many bubbles outside of my kitchen sink! If you are feeling adventurous you could get yourself about three or four buckets of RO ready, and take a Saturday afternoon to scrub them outside of your tank. If you scrub in one bucket, rinse in the next and so on you'll give yourself and your crabs a head start on it.

Did you pop many of those bubbles when you first started to see them in your tank? Thats a sure fire way to spread them.
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Old 06-09-2005, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by danny zubot
Did you pop many of those bubbles when you first started to see them in your tank? Thats a sure fire way to spread them.
Sorry Danny thats a Myth.

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