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Old 03-30-2005, 12:32 AM
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Default Coralline not growing

Lately I've been having a problem getting the coralline to grow on my live rock. It's growing on the back wall, not everywhere yet, but the rock that I've had in the tank for a year is not growing anything more than what was there a year ago. I've added a bunch of really nice pieces completely encrusted in live rock to help speed the process up a bit and all that's done is manage to make the coralline on the new rock look sick and start to fade. Any ideas?

My Calcium is always above 400 and I've used everything from Kent part B solution to aragamilk to Kent liquid reactor.
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Old 03-30-2005, 04:27 AM
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Do you have any sea urchins in the tank?

Also, how's your phosphates?

Try dosing Kalkwasser aswell.
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Old 03-30-2005, 04:38 AM
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Default alk

check your alk as well. I find my coraline grows rapidly anywhere around 6-9 dkh especially with the ca at that level.
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Old 03-30-2005, 06:01 AM
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try adding iodine. I use reef iodide by seachem. that might help. also try trace elemets I think Kent makes it.

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Old 03-30-2005, 08:12 AM
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Default Re: alk

Originally Posted by chin_lee
check your alk as well. I find my coraline grows rapidly anywhere around 6-9 dkh especially with the ca at that level.
Alk's usually around 10.

Originally Posted by Jack
Do you have any sea urchins in the tank?

Also, how's your phosphates?

Try dosing Kalkwasser aswell.
No sea urchins yet but will be picking one up in a month's time. Is that good or bad?

Don't have a phosphate test kit so not too sure actually. As for Kalk, i'm not sure if they sell it in town here but I would like to start using it.
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Old 03-30-2005, 11:17 AM
IslandReefer IslandReefer is offline
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Default coraline

If you don't have a lot of coraline an urchin will definately strip what you have and IF you arn't growing any he will starve and you will have little coraline. My tuxedo carves a 1cm trail about 10ft per day right down to the white rock or glass...I have lots of coraline so it grow back quick and I like the cycle......coraline ....urchin more coraline.
Two methods of increasing coraline growth in a reef tanks, that I have come across are:
1) Take a good size powerhead and place it, up close and personal, blast a heavily encrusted rock continually untill desired purple is reached
2) Scrape the coraline off some of the back glass (or wherever you can get it), pulverize it and, either , in a fine net bag, placed in a high flow area or turn off your flow and sprinkle all over and let settle...season to taste
I have also noticed that different color coralines dominate different surfaces and light levels .
IMHE Good Luck

its all about quality, not quantity.....
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Old 03-30-2005, 12:12 PM
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How's your magnesium? If low, it will inhibit the ability of calcium utilization.

Articles of interest:

Solving Calcium and Alkalinity Problems:

Magnesium in Reef Aquaria:

The Reef Chemistry Calculator:

Aquarium System Volume Calculator:

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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Old 03-30-2005, 02:40 PM
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Default Re: alk

Originally Posted by Jaws
As for Kalk, i'm not sure if they sell it in town here but I would like to start using it.
You can buy it in town, but you'll need a bank loan. Get in touch with Shao, he sells it by the bag for next to nothing. I may have an extra bag here if you need some to carry you over.

My secret recipe for coralline growth. Get a large glass container, open a cold beer and pour it into the container. Discard bottle in the recycling bin.
Now find a real comfy chair and sit in this chair in front of your tank. Watch the fishies swim around. Relax. Think happy thoughts. Relax some more. Drink said beer from the glass container. Repeat this regularly, and wham!! pretty soon you have coralline all over the place. Really.
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Old 03-30-2005, 03:14 PM
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Default Re: alk

Originally Posted by reef_raf
Originally Posted by Jaws
As for Kalk, i'm not sure if they sell it in town here but I would like to start using it.
You can buy it in town, but you'll need a bank loan. Get in touch with Shao, he sells it by the bag for next to nothing. I may have an extra bag here if you need some to carry you over.

My secret recipe for coralline growth. Get a large glass container, open a cold beer and pour it into the container. Discard bottle in the recycling bin.
Now find a real comfy chair and sit in this chair in front of your tank. Watch the fishies swim around. Relax. Think happy thoughts. Relax some more. Drink said beer from the glass container. Repeat this regularly, and wham!! pretty soon you have coralline all over the place. Really.
I have tried this method many times. Unfortunately, the only thing that seems to grow rapidly with this method is me. If only fish drank beer, they'd all be as healthy as me.
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Old 03-30-2005, 03:28 PM
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i buffer with kent pro buffer. it has a coralline accelerator in it, i have no idea what that is but im growing coralline like a mad man and the tanks about 2 months old. i also use kalk and pc lights so im sure that helps.
Given sufficient thrust pigs will fly just fine.

90 Gallon LPS tank - Challice, Acans, Favia, Diplo and Zoos
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