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View Poll Results: What Is Your Belief or Non-belief in God?
I strongly believe in God and go to my place of worship regularly. 11 22.00%
I strongly believe in my personal view of God, but do not go to a place of worship. 19 38.00%
God must be around somewhere, otherwise where did the universe come from? 4 8.00%
I definitely do not believe in God because I believe science will answer all our questions about where the universe came from. 7 14.00%
I believe God and I believe science will eventually prove God's existence. 2 4.00%
I find it hard to believe in God when so many bad things are happening in the world. 2 4.00%
Believing in God is for weak and fearful people, not for me. 5 10.00%
Voters: 50. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-14-2005, 07:18 AM
monza monza is offline
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Wow only read this post due to the, "big stir up."

But to quote teevee..

Given previous discussions, however, I think it may be valuable for others to know that I consider myself an (ambivalent) agnostic, that is, I don't know, and I don't really care.
My fish know I'm god or wait maybe I'm the devil.

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Old 02-18-2005, 09:10 PM
LostMind LostMind is offline
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Don't know, don't care, couldn't affect me. I am successful and will continue to be, due to my lack of faith or in spite of it or whatever. I enjoy science, I enjoy reading about religion, but I do not have a set of beliefs beyond personal improvement. Be a good person, try to be better and things will fall into place for you, imo.

I fall into the category of "people who use the *Lord's* name in vain" though. Mostly because I don't care. "Oh my god" is a curse, not a religious phrase in my vocab.
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Old 02-21-2005, 04:20 AM
IrishReefer IrishReefer is offline
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Wow - Great Thread!!!

I voted #2.

I am from the Rep. of Ireland where more the 90% of he population are Catholic. Religion was never an option - It was a fact - the pubs used to open up early on Sundays just for the people who didn't really want to go but were afraid to ask! Just about everyone went to church on Sundays.

Setting the scene:
The Church and State were inseperable - Condoms have only become legal in Ireland within the last tweleve years - you could be prosecuted for possession though I don't know of any successful prosecutions! PlayBoy magazine has only been allowed to sold in Ireland in t he last five years!

Catholic Church:
Name is now mud in Ireland - So many stories of abuse etc have surfaced in the past few years that I believe most of the population of Ireland who would have voted No# 1 in the poll might be lightly to vote differently. This isn't an exaggeration - The Principal of my school has been indicted and my cousin received the highest amount of money to date in Ireland in settlement of his case. In a population of less than 5 million, most people know someone who is affected.

My Parents:
Very religious people - became happy clappies for about 15 years but are now kinda disgusted with the catholic church and while they still go to church - they don't take the doctrine in the same way.
The pope is always right - I argued at length on this point - What Church who teaches it people not to wear condoms in Africa and aids ridden nations can take the moral highground?
In previous encounters my parents were always on that pope's side - Now, they agree.

Sorry about the ramble.....

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Old 02-21-2005, 04:30 AM
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happy clappies.. thats classic
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Old 02-21-2005, 05:21 AM
IrishReefer IrishReefer is offline
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Its the truth... I used to play guitar for them.

Lots of huggin, happy clappies but no exchange of bodily my knowledge!

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Old 02-21-2005, 12:56 PM
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I thought this thread was closed, It has no place on a Hobby Aquarist web site, what does it have to do with aquarium keeping?
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Old 02-21-2005, 01:53 PM
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Default Re: thread

Originally Posted by Tangman
I thought this thread was closed, It has no place on a Hobby Aquarist web site, what does it have to do with aquarium keeping?
If ALL threads in the Lounge are to be aquarium related, I suspect 98% of the threads started over the last few years would have been closed.

To my knowledge this thread, while controversial in subject matter, was not closed due to the civilized conduct of those who responded.

If you find this thread of no use to you personally, such as the Lounge's current hockey thread I find of no interest and do not participate in, please simply refrain from participating.

That being said, MORE VOTES, PLEASE

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Old 02-21-2005, 02:15 PM
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Default Re: thread

Originally Posted by Beverly
To my knowledge this thread, while controversial in subject matter, was not closed due to the civilized conduct of those who responded.

If you find this thread of no use to you personally, such as the Lounge's current hockey thread I find of no interest and do not participate in, please simply refrain from participating.
Bev is correct. We've allowed this thread to continue due to the civil conduct so far...
New rules will however see religion threads removed.
That being said, given the choice between religion and hockey, I'd pick religion
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Old 02-21-2005, 09:53 PM
powerboy powerboy is offline
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I didnt vote, more accurately, I could not. I am more of an agnostic, and in my personal belief theres not enough evidence either way to prove or disprove an existance of a "God(s)"

Just the word God can mean so many things. Whoever named him/her/it should have settled on an easier designation, like Frank, or Joe. At least that way, you could somewhat wrap your brain around it.

That is obviously a joke to try and lighten such a potentially explosive subject.
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Old 02-22-2005, 03:39 AM
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Interesting topic, just caught it today.

I would have to vote #1

My education is actually in the religious field. I was a pastor/minister for 5 years.

I just can't fathom the universe not having a creator/God. Take a look at each little thing in your aquarium. Hmmm

I think hope gives me a huge reason to live life the way I do.

However, like AJ77, Canreef and my tanks take up a huge part of my day. I enjoy meeting people on this board though.

Anyway, hope you enjoy reading my babbling thoughts.

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