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View Poll Results: Pre or Post Xmas Delivery?
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Old 01-25-2005, 01:12 PM
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Originally Posted by snaggle
I am in. I am in no hurry to get it.


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Old 01-25-2005, 02:29 PM
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Yes Ivan sent out a group email late last night. Currently shippment is on hold until everyone confirms their order. Once that is done and invoices are sent out, we will proceed forward.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
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Old 01-27-2005, 04:35 AM
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Just got my bill... looks like he didn't have any Trochus snails . So I guess we'll be picking up our order Friday night at Harvey's place? (Do you still need an airpump or two?)

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Old 01-27-2005, 04:56 AM
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Hi Rich,

We'll probaby do pickups at Ryan's (muck's) place since there actually IS parking at his place...

Everyone, please PM muck for his address as he feels uncomfortable posting it in a public forum.

Also note that the price does not include shipping. I told Ivan to bill me for shipping and you guys can pay me when you pick up the orders. I will be splitting shipping by percentage of items ordered, just to be more fair to everyone.
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Old 01-27-2005, 04:59 AM
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What will the approximate price for shipping be?

Oh, FYI. My order has been changed slightly. I cancelled the trochus snails and got 2 astreas in place of them. So my final order would consist of:
4 Astrea Snails
1 Cleaner Shrimp
2 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Emerald Crab

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Old 01-27-2005, 05:10 AM
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I don't have exactly what people ordered, so it is difficult at this time to approximate your shipping total.

Shipping for this order was $95.23, so Rich, since you ordered very little, you will only pay a small % of this. Once I have the total tally and all the invoices in front of me, I can figure out how much you owe since I will know who ordered what.

Oh yes, sorry about the Friday shipment. I know there were a few uncomfortable with this. I just thought it would be better to have it shipped ASAP since a lot of you were getting a bit irritated with all of the delays. I hope everything turns out for the best though!
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Old 01-27-2005, 01:10 PM
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I am ticked of royally I ordered 50 margarita snails and my invoice says I'll be getting 25 astreas and 25 ceriths I emailed Ivan to say I will not be paying for my order unless it includes at least 25 margaritas and the remaining snails to be astreas.

I don't mean to undermine all that Harvey has done to put this order together, but I will cancel my order if I do not get the snails I requested and do an order with J&L instead. Their reef custodians are all 25% off. Anybody else not satisfied with their order with Ivan and want to get their snails from J&L?

The J&L sale is only for the month of January which is fast coming to a close, so the order must be placed ASAP. J&L reef custodian page:

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Old 01-27-2005, 03:36 PM
IJO IJO is offline
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Beverly... You had mentioned in your emails that you might be ineterested in splitting between other types of snails... this was the reason why I sent you an invoice with Astrea and Cerith snails as we are out of stock on the margarita's. Please don't feel like to 'have' to pay for something you didn't order. I understand if you would like to step out of the order as the single item on there was not in stock. Sorry for the troubles.

I will email harvey the AWB # along with the invoices that have been payed for tonight so he could calculate each portion of the shipping charges based on items ordered. We have booked a flight leaving Ottawa at 10am.... it will arrive in Edmonton at 4:20pm.

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Old 01-27-2005, 03:44 PM
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My primary order was for 50 margaritas. Only in the last few days was I made aware that you were low on them. Yes, I would have accepted a portion of margaritas and a portion of astreas. Now, in the last day was I told you had no margaritas at all for me. Payment is to be by tonight, and shipping is tomorrow, and I still will not get any of the 50 margaritas I requested.

I guess there is always going to be a foul up or two along the line with such a large order, but I do not want to bear the brunt of this unfortunate situation and am bowing out of the order.

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Old 01-28-2005, 05:11 AM
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Alright, I got the invoices from Ivan. So far so good. Lets hope the flight is on time. I assume everyone has PM'd Muck for his address?

Also, I just realized that shipping is a flat rate, so weight is not a factor. Therefore calculating shipping costs via percentage of the order doesn't make sense. As a result, to calculate your shipping, just take the cost of shipping ($95.23) and divide by the number of participants (10 I guess unless some people pay late and get squeezed onto the flight).
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