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Old 07-08-2020, 02:48 AM
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Originally Posted by msjboy View Post
What is your lighting.
I have 10 XR15s and 2 XR30s. I will try that to begin with and if that’s not enough I will grab three of the 4 foot T5 retrofit kits. That would add another 800 watts of T5.
Originally Posted by msjboy View Post
. Also for flow, do you think that is enough with 4 mp60/40s?
So far I’m planning on putting two eductors on the return side which should flow around 2K / h. Also on each side will be a MP40 & 60. I will try and favour sending more water to the overflow side. Along the back I have 4 gyres spaced out with the thought of adding more if needed. That should give a nice rolling motion front to back.
I ran a closed loop before and wasn’t thrilled with it, it made changing the flow a huge ordeal, plus had a bulkhead gasket leak and vowed never to have holes drilled far below the water line again
I really like the gyres flow though, they’re a pain to clean but I’m planning on keeping spare assembles then just swap the parts and tossing them in vinegar.
125 gallon 6', 33 gallon sump \ refugium
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Old 07-08-2020, 02:57 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
That could be the most over-built, built-in bookshelf ever if you decide to move.
I thought the same thing, I could always just enclose the bottom and have wall to wall cabinets you could park a truck on!
125 gallon 6', 33 gallon sump \ refugium
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Old 07-08-2020, 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by eternitybc View Post
I have 10 XR15s and 2 XR30s. I will try that to begin with and if that’s not enough I will grab three of the 4 foot T5 retrofit kits. That would add another 800 watts of T5.

So far I’m planning on putting two eductors on the return side which should flow around 2K / h. Also on each side will be a MP40 & 60. I will try and favour sending more water to the overflow side. Along the back I have 4 gyres spaced out with the thought of adding more if needed. That should give a nice rolling motion front to back.
I ran a closed loop before and wasn’t thrilled with it, it made changing the flow a huge ordeal, plus had a bulkhead gasket leak and vowed never to have holes drilled far below the water line again
I really like the gyres flow though, they’re a pain to clean but I’m planning on keeping spare assembles then just swap the parts and tossing them in vinegar.
Looks amazing! Wow!

My experience so far with a Gyre XF350 is that after a few months, it has become quite loud. No matter how much I clean it, the sound is noticeable in my living room. I previously had an older MP40 which I could hear but was quieter.
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Old 07-08-2020, 05:42 PM
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Thanks for all the encouragement everyone!

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Looks amazing! Wow!

My experience so far with a Gyre XF350 is that after a few months, it has become quite loud. No matter how much I clean it, the sound is noticeable in my living room. I previously had an older MP40 which I could hear but was quieter.
I have 3 running right now in the 150 but it has a bunch of loud external pumps that might be drowning it out. I will have to watch out for that as the idea is to keep it almost silent. I may have to look at other pumps if it becomes a problem.

Slowly amassing all the gear.

I'm super psyched about the skimmer
125 gallon 6', 33 gallon sump \ refugium
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Old 07-08-2020, 05:45 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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I have the dcp-20000 as my return on my 300 and I'm so impressed. I was running a Reeflo and it was loud and always had seal issues and took too much power. I'm running the Jebao at 70% and it's using only 108watts and putting out the same flow in the tank above according the flow monitor I borrowed. I'm running it external and it's silent.

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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Old 07-08-2020, 06:16 PM
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Originally Posted by mseepman View Post
I have the dcp-20000 as my return on my 300 and I'm so impressed. I was running a Reeflo and it was loud and always had seal issues and took too much power. I'm running the Jebao at 70% and it's using only 108watts and putting out the same flow in the tank above according the flow monitor I borrowed. I'm running it external and it's silent.
Glad to hear! I ran an external Panworld for years which was pretty loud too. The part I hated most was the power and heat that I was losing with it being external so this time I wanted to stay in-sump. I was ready to buy two Abyzz A200 but I just couldn't justify the cost, especially since their price has gone up recently.
I was hesitant with Jebao as I had some of the original power heads that were nothing but problems, but the pumps seem to have a better reputation. Plus I can buy like 10+ of these for the cost of the Abyzz pumps.
125 gallon 6', 33 gallon sump \ refugium
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Old 03-07-2022, 09:23 PM
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woooooooow dude this is pretty awesome 12 footer yes byyyyyy
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
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