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Old 02-09-2019, 10:10 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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Default Full 125 gallon reef system - tank shut down

After 8 amazing years in this hobby I've decided its time to move on and I'm offering my entire 125 gallon reef up. Its a 6 foot tank packed with amazing higher end coral. Many of you have been to my house to see it so you know what I'm talking about.

Here is a list of almost everything in it. I missed lots of smaller coral here and there but this is the gyst of what it would cost if I sold each piece here one by one. Some of the estimates are low ( like zoas and sps) but I just sorta looked at it all and assigned a value.

First, I'd like to see if some one wants it all. If not I'll start parting it out but maybe somone wants an amazing deal on the following....


Small Trachy - $100
Ausi Green Poci - $50
Mummy Eye Chalice - $50
Gold Hammer - $60
Pink Frog Spawn - $100
Huge Zoa garden - $400
Large Duncan - $100
2 fancy torches - $160
Small Ausi Gold torch - $50
Big Birds nest - $40
Rainbow Chalice - $100
Meteorshower - $40
Acantho - Red/Blue $200
Acantho - Rainbow $150
Orange Mushroom Rock $100
Maze Brains $100
Pink Hammer $100
Big Hammer $100
Gorgonia $100
Jack O lantern Lepto $100
Toadstool $50
Big rainbow Trachy $150
Lobo $40
Red Brain $80
Rock Flower Noms $100
Rose Bubbles $60
Assorted SPS (RR wildfire, DB kushberry, Tort, Pink Mili) $300
Clam $80
Big Chalice $100
Green Ausi Maze $80
Duncans $80

$3260 worth of coral, with live rock $3400


Extreme Picasso Clown Pair $200
Lineateus Wrasse $200
Blue Tang $80
Yellow Tang $60
Mimic Tang $60
Sailfin Tang $80
Small Tang $50
Puffer $50
Red Wrasse $100
Leopard Wrasse $40
Yellow Wrasse $40
Pyramid Butterfly $60
Neon Dotty $40
Royal Dotty $30

$1090 worth of fish


Tank and stand & sump with return $400
Lights $300
Skimmer $400
3 circ pumps $100
ATO $50
Controller $100
2 Dosing Pumps $75
Phos reactor $50
Salt $40

$1515 woth of equipment

$6000 worth of stuff (low estimate) is what I'm selling here plus a ton of extras like CUC (shrimp, star fish, crabs, snails), Chemicals (alk, mg, cal), test kits, Coral Magazines, Frag kit, new bucket of salt, ect.

I'll let it all go for $4000. ya I know thats a lot of money but its a deal for this much stuff. If I get no takers I'd be willing to do all livestock or all coral deals too.

Text me if your serious and would like pics, to come by, whatever. I'm in Maple Ridge BC 604-250-2776


Last edited by Animal-Chin; 10-02-2019 at 10:15 PM.
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Old 02-09-2019, 11:19 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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So I知 getting a lot of interest in single corals or fish. At the moment I知 looking for a buyer of either the entire system, all the live stock or just all the coral. I値l keep all your texts so if i part out I値l sell you the stuff you want but for now I知 looking to sell as a package to make my life easier. Thanks everyone...
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Old 02-10-2019, 12:26 AM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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More pics in this add...
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Old 02-10-2019, 03:41 PM
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Kobiyashi Kobiyashi is offline
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Smile Beautiful tank

Dont do it Gord,

It might seem like the only option right now...

But there痴 so much more to reef for.

Okay bad joke. Seriously, great job though, tank looks amazing. Hope you find a steward to take over your reef.

Take the money and get into diving!

Good luck and god speed sir.

210 DD mixed reef, 75 gallon sump, SRO 3000, reef keeper, DCP15000 return, 3xAI sol, 250lbs live rock, 45 watt UV feedback loop to refugium, bubble magus doser for the big 3, Liquid carbon dosing. Waiting on a couple gyres....
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Old 02-10-2019, 04:53 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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Diving would be amazing but first I think the money need to go into replacing the floor I ruined by spilling water around the tank for 8 years lol

Thanks for all the interest everyone, if I don稚 get a buyer and start parting, i値l Start answering all the There are a lot of them!!!
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Old 02-11-2019, 04:17 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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Ok, so I"m parting out starting with Coral. Here is whats left.

Small Trachy - $100
Ausi Green Poci - $50
Gold Hammer - $60
Pink Frog Spawn - $100
Large Duncan - $100
2 fancy torches - $160
Big Birds nest - $40
Rainbow Chalice - $100
Meteorshower - $40
Orange Mushroom Rock $100
Maze Brains $100
Big Hammer $100
Gorgonia $100
Jack O lantern Lepto $100
Toadstool $50
Big rainbow Trachy $150
Lobo $40
Red Brain $80
Rose Bubbles $20 each but have to wait for clowns to go
Clam $80
Big Chalice $100
Green Ausi Maze $80
Duncans $20-80

I have a couple of people coming tonight so this may shrink too. Here are some pics...

Rainbow Trachy $150 - This is a KILLER coral, one of my favs...

Red Brain $80

Small Trachy - $100

2 really cool torches - $80 each

Gold Hammer - $60 (can look greenish under some light)

Big Hammer - $100 Probaby 8-10 inches across. Purple with this cool area of florescent green.

Green Tyree Toadstool $50

PinkFrogspawn $100

Big Chalice - $100

Ausi Green Maze $80 and Lobo $40

SPS to come...
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Old 02-11-2019, 07:10 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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Kushberry colony $100

2 acros on a rock. Not sure what kind...$60

Birds next that had a green slimer land in the middle and killed a bunch that have been cut out. Its a fast grower, it should fill in...$40

Wildfire. Awesome red polyps. $100

Big Blue/purple Tort, can't remember the kind $50

Cool looking Green colony. This is on a rock with a pink lemonaid, fuzzy green acro and another SPS that doesn't look great. If you just want this cool green guy its $60 but if you want me to leave the other coral on the rock we can work it out...

Have a Purple Poci that I forgot to take a picture of $30
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Old 02-11-2019, 08:37 PM
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Interested in rainbow chalice Nav 778 319 4386
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Old 02-12-2019, 02:58 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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Some stuff gone but still lots left. If you've texted me generic requests I may not have gotten back to you, between texts and private messages I've received maybe 50 replies and ones like "hey what coral do you have" i just haven't had time to reply to. Please try and be specific about what you're interested in when you contact me, i wouldn't want you truckin out to maple ridge in the snow only to be dissapointed....


Small Trachy - $100
Ausi Green Poci - $50
Pink Frog Spawn - $100
Large Duncan - $80
2 fancy torches - $80 each
Big Birds nest - $40
Meteorshower - $40
Blue Maze Brain $20 (bit beat up)
Big Hammer $100
Huge Gorgonia $100
Tyree green Toadstool (awesome) $50
Big rainbow Trachy (awesome) $150
Lobo $40
Red Brain $60
Rose Bubbles if i can get them off the rocks before the corals gone
Assorted SPS (tort sold, the rest are still there)
Clam $80
Green Ausi Maze $80


Extreme Picasso Clown Pair $200
Lineateus Wrasse $200
Blue Tang $80
Yellow Tang $60
Mimic Tang $60
Sailfin Tang $80
Scopas Tang $50
Puffer $50
Red Wrasse $100
Leopard Wrasse $40
Yellow Wrasse $40
Pyramid Butterfly $60
Neon Dotty $30
Royal Dotty $30
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Old 02-12-2019, 03:35 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
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Poops sorry the clam is actually gone too, my bad...
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