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Old 01-26-2019, 05:20 AM
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Default Wrasse question.

Lineatus and pintail. Compatible? Tank is 180g with a one-eyed Scott’s, Labouti as residents. The remaining residents are all peaceful and tolerant
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Old 01-26-2019, 03:17 PM
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I had added 3 wrasses a couple months ago, although they are all belonging to the fairy wrasses. Pintail, orange back and a blue headed fairy wrasse. It took them a while but they are now all out swimming in the water column.

LiveaquariaThe Lineatus Fairy Wrasse is a very peaceful, active fish that will bring both color and activity to a fish-only or reef aquarium of 90 gallons or larger. They will not harm corals or invertebrates making them the ideal candidate for the reef aquarium. These wrasse like to jump, so a tight fitting canopy is recommended.

They refer to it as a fairy wrasse, so with that being said all 3 of mine appear to be getting along in a 300g. Beautiful looking wrasse though, make sure to post an update with what you decide to do.
300g Basement Reef - April 2018
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Old 01-26-2019, 05:10 PM
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Not familiar with that many wrasses but can you isolate the two within the tank for a few weeks to give them a chance to find a home before all hell breaks loose?
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Old 01-26-2019, 05:22 PM
kyl kyl is offline
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I would be wary of the reaction from the C. scottorum, they are among the most aggressive towards other cirrhilabrus. How is it's colouration and behavior been towards the laboutei?

The lineatus is about average but the isoceles is generally regarded as one of the least aggressive cirrhilabrus there are.

Do you have an acclimation box? Are both the new wrasse going to be males, females? Quite a few intersection points where behavior can be quite different. They are at least all from different cirrhilabrus complexes, which is a good thing.
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Old 01-27-2019, 01:08 AM
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Originally Posted by kyl View Post
I would be wary of the reaction from the C. scottorum, they are among the most aggressive towards other cirrhilabrus. How is it's colouration and behavior been towards the laboutei?

The lineatus is about average but the isoceles is generally regarded as one of the least aggressive cirrhilabrus there are.

Do you have an acclimation box? Are both the new wrasse going to be males, females? Quite a few intersection points where behavior can be quite different. They are at least all from different cirrhilabrus complexes, which is a good thing.
The Scott’s isn’t anywhere near as aggressive as their reputation can be. Part of that I’m sure, has to do with it hit the top so hard one night it lost an eye. It and Labouti are just fine together. They were introduced together, from QT to display. I know Lineatus is pretty much a pussycat, I had one before. And yes, I have an acclimation box. Dual
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Old 01-27-2019, 05:12 AM
kyl kyl is offline
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If the scotts is toned down as you say, then it should work out. The acclimation box will ultimately let you know if it is workable or not.
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