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Old 01-07-2018, 08:10 PM
st0rmtr000pa st0rmtr000pa is offline
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Originally Posted by kyl View Post
Wow! It looks great. Well I’m looking forward to having this on my new tank. Looks sleek. Plus added thickness of glass is always welcomed.
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Old 01-07-2018, 09:09 PM
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Yeah, I believe it was MattyB that showed me a picture of his and I went with it. It did add probably 5% to the cost, but very much worth it vs the acrylic insert. I wish I had gotten the same for the frag tank.
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Old 01-07-2018, 10:17 PM
st0rmtr000pa st0rmtr000pa is offline
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So I found a buyer for my 125 Gallon tank. Now I just have to wait 3 weeks to receive the new tank from Concept. I have to start focusing on items to get this build running and cycling once the tank and sump arrive. I need some rock (macro rock / real reef rock), titanium heaters, power heads (mp40’s or gyre), RODI unit and some salt.

Originally Posted by kyl View Post
Yeah, I believe it was MattyB that showed me a picture of his and I went with it. It did add probably 5% to the cost, but very much worth it vs the acrylic insert. I wish I had gotten the same for the frag tank.
Well I’m glad I decided to go with it. Yah my frag tank will still have the acrylic insert.
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Old 01-07-2018, 11:10 PM
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Look forward to seeing the build
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Old 01-08-2018, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Skimmer Juice View Post
I just got a tank from there I wish I knew that was an option , looks so much better IMO . I got a white acrylic back so it would have worked really well for saving me cleaning time .
I didn't know it was an option either.
looks great!

they really need to go over all their options with customers...
you'd think it would be win-win for everyone.

you get a nicer finished tank, which you pay more for, which leads to more referrals and revenue for them...

anyways have fun with the upgrade!
- S H A O -
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Old 01-08-2018, 08:14 PM
kyl kyl is offline
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Originally Posted by smokinreefer View Post
I didn't know it was an option either.
looks great!

they really need to go over all their options with customers...
you'd think it would be win-win for everyone.

you get a nicer finished tank, which you pay more for, which leads to more referrals and revenue for them...

anyways have fun with the upgrade!
I'm hopeful that Dave gets things humming given the changes that have been talked about. I would really suggest that some literature be created to reflect all that they can do as options.

I did what I felt was a lot of homework with modelling the tanks and sump in SketchUp and pestered quite a few tank owners here, on FB groups and in person. Still, I found some cosmetic things that were overlooked because I didn't know, and would want on future builds (like black vinyl on the bottom of the tank to hide that plywood).

Not saying the tank isn't beautiful, they did a great job. Just you know, it wasn't the smoothest process. I'm hoping to get a nice ~200 gallon peninsula later this year or early next year and wouldn't hesitate to go through Dave again.
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Old 01-08-2018, 09:22 PM
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Originally Posted by kyl View Post
I'm hopeful that Dave gets things humming given the changes that have been talked about. I would really suggest that some literature be created to reflect all that they can do as options.

I did what I felt was a lot of homework with modelling the tanks and sump in SketchUp and pestered quite a few tank owners here, on FB groups and in person. Still, I found some cosmetic things that were overlooked because I didn't know, and would want on future builds (like black vinyl on the bottom of the tank to hide that plywood).

Not saying the tank isn't beautiful, they did a great job. Just you know, it wasn't the smoothest process. I'm hoping to get a nice ~200 gallon peninsula later this year or early next year and wouldn't hesitate to go through Dave again.
this is not an excuse but I only allow one person to handle tank quotes and builds and at times it can get overwhelming. Since I took back over the quoting and handling of builds I can see where some details get glossed over. Sometimes, ok most times we get emails asking for a price on a XXX gallon tank with no other info and it is like pulling teeth too get the right info to properly quote the tank they want.

I think going forward when we get a request for pricing the first question I will ask is, do you want a cheap but holds water tank, a good but not perfect tank or an all out baller tank lol and than work out details with the customers.

We can do a lot with glass and with the CNC table coming in the next month or so there will have a lot we can offer for acrylic too.

I am currently working on a request work sheet with all that we can offer, so in the future it should be a lot smoother process

I will look forward to working with you on the new build.

Thanks Dave
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Old 01-08-2018, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by dave_C View Post
this is not an excuse but I only allow one person to handle tank quotes and builds and at times it can get overwhelming. Since I took back over the quoting and handling of builds I can see where some details get glossed over. Sometimes, ok most times we get emails asking for a price on a XXX gallon tank with no other info and it is like pulling teeth too get the right info to properly quote the tank they want.

I think going forward when we get a request for pricing the first question I will ask is, do you want a cheap but holds water tank, a good but not perfect tank or an all out baller tank lol and than work out details with the customers.

We can do a lot with glass and with the CNC table coming in the next month or so there will have a lot we can offer for acrylic too.

I am currently working on a request work sheet with all that we can offer, so in the future it should be a lot smoother process

I will look forward to working with you on the new build.

Thanks Dave
I don't want to hi-jack the build thread too much but Dave, I felt you did the best you could given everything going on and I still appreciate the long phone call to get things straightened out and the updates after that. So far so good with the tanks.

Now back to the regularly scheduled build thread!
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Old 01-09-2018, 01:24 AM
st0rmtr000pa st0rmtr000pa is offline
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So I picked up some goodies today. I bought a ReefLink so I can mess around with my lights while I wait for my tank and sump as well as have controllability over my Vectra pump when the time comes. I also bought an Apex flow meter for when I do the plumbing. I'm trying to avoid plumbing in anything after is has water in the lines. Also a member also told me to go with the flatter nozzles than the more direct nozzles so I decided to do that and got some of those. Not a huge update but it's something.

Does anyone here have experience with the Reeflink and the WXM module? Any big differences between the two?

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Old 01-09-2018, 03:13 AM
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Still selling the frag tank? ��
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