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Old 09-16-2017, 05:44 PM
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Ok while you're sorting out the water quality, I'll give you my experience as a noob starting a tank with a clownfish. I too was concerned that the little guy, a juvenile was not eating. During the day he would do laps back & forth along the front glass. No idea where he got the energy and this went on for more than a week, not taking food. I was certainly getting concerned about whether he would make it, but he remained active. Finally started taking flake food at some point, I got him a small bubble tip anemone & he is now a very large she Maroon clownfish with a little mate spawning regularly. Clownfish belong to the damselfish species & are pretty tough customers, they can take some abuse, but you don't want to push that hardiness with any traces of ammonia in your system.

I purchased my tank used 10 years ago & kept the sand/rock after transporting the whole works from Vancouver to Vernon in the middle of January. Not sure how long I cycled it before adding the first fish, but there was no evidence of ammonia. Keep a close eye on the fish if you can't house them elsewhere while you get the water quality confirmed. Try some different foods aside from pellets, especially frozen mysis or even brine shrimp. Don't overfeed in an effort to get them to eat and as mentioned try to remove as much of the uneaten stuff as you can. Normally a cleanup crew would take care of that, but your tank is relatively new & CUC is likely small or nonexistent.
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Old 09-16-2017, 07:42 PM
Superomario Superomario is offline
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Thanks a lot that makes me feel better but I have a small clean up crew at the moment two larger snail I purchased and several that have come off the live rock and I purchased about 20 hermit crabs but I'm not seeing many I'm worried they either died or maybe hiding in the rocks. Anyways thanks for the info much appreciated.
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Old 09-18-2017, 06:23 AM
Gp Scott Gp Scott is offline
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Clown fish are good starter fish I agree with Mike on the ammonia levels. I just hope you purchased some healthy clowns to start. I would maybe suggest to turning down the power head flow especially if you have them on high and turning your lighting down if you have that on a higher setting they might be stressing
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Old 09-30-2017, 02:58 PM
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How goes? Do we have a happy ending?
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Old 09-30-2017, 06:55 PM
Superomario Superomario is offline
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They seem to be doing well their color is good and don't seem as stressed. Water parameters are also good so I'm feeling good about the health of the tank. Noticed something strange though when the fish are asleep they're eyes look really freaky like bug eyed or something. Anyways I just bought a shrimp today for the tank super stoked!
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