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Old 04-12-2017, 01:29 PM
dino dino is offline
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I would still suggest if possible that your sump has a overflow to a drain. this way anything you add will be displaced to the drain. you could then have a bucket with a pump on a timer and your good. the stenner pump used on daplatapus system is definitely pricey but also a good way to do it

this was a year ago when I first setup this freshwater. tank I have not done a water change ever
150 gallon reef mostly softies/lps. 50 gal sump with bubble magnus skimmer/ Led fuge light/refugium/ 1200 return and tunze powerheads. Dual pharoah main tank led.4 pump dosser.
550 gallon stingray tank water drip system
150 bowfront. 75 turtle tank, many others
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Old 04-12-2017, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by dino View Post
I would still suggest if possible that your sump has a overflow to a drain. this way anything you add will be displaced to the drain.
This is good advice. I actually had my discharge go into a small frag tank. That tank had a bulkhead in the back which overflowed into the drain.

Originally Posted by Galizio View Post
How do you store your SW? I mean I guess you have a power head, an heater, maybe a stone . Do you have to clean the container every once in awhile?
I always get some detritus settling in a corner of the tank(bare bottom) and get rid of it with water changes, how you clean your substrate if you have any
The SW get's made once a month in one of those 100 gal storage tanks. My total system volume is 300 gal. So I do approximately 3 gal water change a day. That means my pump runs for about 45 min to dose that 3 gallons. With such a slow water volume rate, I don't heat or aerate my new SW at all. I do run the mixing pump once a week or so, but even that I'm not sure if it's really necessary.
I do find I get a very small amount of build up in the bottom of my container, but I've only found it necessary to clean it out once a year. So I have unions in all my connections and I can pop it out in just a few minutes, take it outside it give it a thorough cleaning.
I think part of the reason I have very little accumulation in the tank is the way I designed and built it. I always start filling it with brand new RO/DI water. If you look through the build phase of those tanks, I inserted a 4' long piece of PVC into the mixing barrel that has holes drilled helically down its axis and there's a small elbow at the very bottom. All of that creates a pretty good vortex inside the barrel as it's filling. As the new RO/DI water is going in, I slowly dump my salt in until barrel is full and the required salt has been added. Then I shift the intake from the circulation pump from the RO/DI tank to the new SW tank using the valves at the bottom of the tanks and just re-circulate the new SW for about a half hour or so. I usually take that time to measure my SG, All, Ca and Mg and top any up if necessary.
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Old 04-13-2017, 12:09 AM
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Galizio Galizio is offline
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
This is good advice. I actually had my discharge go into a small frag tank. That tank had a bulkhead in the back which overflowed into the drain.

The SW get's made once a month in one of those 100 gal storage tanks. My total system volume is 300 gal. So I do approximately 3 gal water change a day. That means my pump runs for about 45 min to dose that 3 gallons. With such a slow water volume rate, I don't heat or aerate my new SW at all. I do run the mixing pump once a week or so, but even that I'm not sure if it's really necessary.

I do find I get a very small amount of build up in the bottom of my container, but I've only found it necessary to clean it out once a year. So I have unions in all my connections and I can pop it out in just a few minutes, take it outside it give it a thorough cleaning.

I think part of the reason I have very little accumulation in the tank is the way I designed and built it. I always start filling it with brand new RO/DI water. If you look through the build phase of those tanks, I inserted a 4' long piece of PVC into the mixing barrel that has holes drilled helically down its axis and there's a small elbow at the very bottom. All of that creates a pretty good vortex inside the barrel as it's filling. As the new RO/DI water is going in, I slowly dump my salt in until barrel is full and the required salt has been added. Then I shift the intake from the circulation pump from the RO/DI tank to the new SW tank using the valves at the bottom of the tanks and just re-circulate the new SW for about a half hour or so. I usually take that time to measure my SG, All, Ca and Mg and top any up if necessary.

Yes was looking at your tank build thread, pretty cool, definitely inspiring, hopefully one day can do something like that..

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