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Old 04-14-2012, 07:03 PM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Originally Posted by jjntm View Post
k, so here we go a recent one... now... I understand it would be frustrating to be in your situation... and am sry to hear that u didn't receive all the items u were looking for... when you notified burc, did you take and send pics for proof that items were doa/missing? did he respond in a timely manner? the not so nice email was it from him to you or u to him? did he refund you the money for items not received/doa's?

What do you think he could have done differently to make your experience better and make you happy? these are the kind of posts consumers and businesses can both learn from...

Good Gosh.. Shouldn't Burc be asking these questions? Speaking of Burc.. I'm sure he's lurking reading all these posts.. If he can't come out of hiding and speak for him self.. Why are you bothering?
"Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men."
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:14 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by jjntm View Post
+1... I have to say that if there was a bunch of negative reviews that were being deleted by mods, then who's fault is that? sponsor or not, I think that all reviews should remain!!! whether they are good bad or indifferent! If you would like to "stand up for members" then it would make sense to keep all reviews... this way members can make informed decisions. It just seems weird to me that Burc would basically tell some of you to go eat dirt while he was nothing but kind with me and gave me ZERO hassle with the VERY few mistakes with my order... I HAVE RECEIVED EVERYTHING ASKED FOR!!! and the couple mistakes became freebies...

If he rly does rip everyone off then how is he still in business and have so many of us that have been clearly willing to stand up and say we have been happy with him, for he went that extra mile for us! hell I have had other orders from supposed reputable online stores and even LFS's that I had doa's and unhealthy items received and got the oh well it is what it is and there is nothing we can do about it... hell I have had more issues with sponsors on here then I have had with this "non sponsor" (although the LFS one would be my own damn fault since I was new to the hobby and trusted the employee of the store that the corals and fish were healthy when in deed they were not.)

But I feel that Burc has been very professional and even gone that extra mile to make sure I am happy! so to me that speaks volumes about his character and I will continue to use him.

i dont know if i ordered a german sheppard and got a poodle id be upset bottom line , when its 10$ who really cares but when its hundreds the loss is harder to swallow especially considering certain things dont belong in certain tanks and some people go for a certain look and arnt happy with random substitutes.

my also recent order had substitutes i was not upset about them but substitutes none the less that i would never have bought in any lfs or locally because i already have them or they are ugly and not what i wanted:P
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:32 PM
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Burn him, he's a witch!!
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:33 PM
reefan reefan is offline
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Originally Posted by jorjef View Post
Maybe there is a large amount of new people in the hobby with little knowledge of his past and have tried him recently and having had a positive experience find it surprising to see negative posts and feel compelled to respond.
With him it has always been buyer BEWARE! One thing he generally did was short ship and have a large number of DOA's. Then he would say I'll replace that or make it up on your next order. And so the cycle starts with seldom getting what you wanted on each order but with promises to fix the next time. So people kept ordering and getting sucked in until after 5-6 times many people said enough is enough and wrote off the losses because it's just too much hassle.
I still say if you use this forum you should support the vendors who sponsor here and quit being so cheap trying to save a couple of bucks with a non-sponsor who has a terrible track record. If he was so confident in his product he would offer free replacement shipping like one of the sponsors here does.
I have shopped around with many vendors and have found you generally get what you pay for.
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:45 PM
tim the toolman tim the toolman is offline
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Originally Posted by jjntm View Post
k, so here we go a recent one... now... I understand it would be frustrating to be in your situation... and am sry to hear that u didn't receive all the items u were looking for... when you notified burc, did you take and send pics for proof that items were doa/missing? did he respond in a timely manner? the not so nice email was it from him to you or u to him? did he refund you the money for items not received/doa's?

What do you think he could have done differently to make your experience better and make you happy? these are the kind of posts consumers and businesses can both learn from...
Again I'm not trying to flog a dead horse here. If a few dollars is gonna kill ya your probably in the wrong hobby. But like someone else said it's the principle of the thing you pay for what you pay for and that's what you should get. My $ was refunded after a couple of emails. The not so nice email was from me and I wasn't mean or aggressive just basically let him know that by not holding up his end of the bargain he has lived up to his reputation. I will stay local from now on because then you see what you get and get what u paid for.
This whole fragalot thing seems like a dog chasing his tail. It's not really getting us anywhere lol.
And yes Brad he may be a witch
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:51 PM
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Originally Posted by reefan View Post
With him it has always been buyer BEWARE! One thing he generally did was short ship and have a large number of DOA's. Then he would say I'll replace that or make it up on your next order. And so the cycle starts with seldom getting what you wanted on each order but with promises to fix the next time. So people kept ordering and getting sucked in until after 5-6 times many people said enough is enough and wrote off the losses because it's just too much hassle.
I still say if you use this forum you should support the vendors who sponsor here and quit being so cheap trying to save a couple of bucks with a non-sponsor who has a terrible track record. If he was so confident in his product he would offer free replacement shipping like one of the sponsors here does.
I have shopped around with many vendors and have found you generally get what you pay for.
I agree it's buyer beware.....with every supplier. For the people that after the second or third failed attempt to get things straightened out I say this "Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results" is what some people define as insanity. Ask for a refund. As far as calling me cheap lol well I don't subscribe to 10$ frags or frags of any kind for that matter, I have no patience waiting for them to grow. The reason I bought from him after two years is he has colonies that I wanted and had in stock, again a bit of my instant gratification flaw I have.

I have sent emails request for corals to various sponsors of Canreef and have never been afforded a response..Ask once no answer, I won't ask again. I have had some great results from shops that sponsor this site but I'm certainly not going to restrict myself to them alone and from what I know there is no "rule" saying I have to.
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Old 04-15-2012, 12:32 AM
jjntm jjntm is offline
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Default I'm pretty sure ppl who know me on here can tell you that is not true... a lot of my corals came from paul at oceanic... who is also a pleasure to deal with and seems to know his ****... I buy from ppl who treat me right, not the cheapest place... I was simply stating clearly the price is what made us all take the risk and buy from the "f" word... I for one have no complaints... all corals I received are beautiful corals...

As for being cheap, considering I probably have close to 10k invested in this hobby, I don't believe that to be the case...
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Old 09-07-2012, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Here is my opinion, not related to the board. As hobbyists, we need to band together and consolidate experiences. When someone spends a lot of energy robbing people in the hobby, for and extended period of time, as hobbyists I think we should forever boycott that business. He ripped off friends and members here for a long time before he was removed. He did it on other boards. Now, suddenly, when we can save a buck or two, we forget all that bad stuff and send him bags of money, always hoping that the frags we ordered actually show up. I don't forget. I remember the people asking for help trying to recover anything they could from him. I remember the guys needed evidence for their lawyers. I remember the management nightmare we, as a board, had to endure. We stuck up for him, made excuses like maybe he has personal stuff going on, etc. But no action came at all. None. All the people that lost out, lost out for good. They don't forget.
I would like to believe that we, as hobbyists, remember on their behalf, and say no, we're not going to reward that type of vendor to save a buck. We should defend our friends and co-members, and not deal with this company.
But most don't care, they save a bunch of money on little pieces of coral bits. To hell with our friends and members that got robbed, because I can save money and get something for me.
Sorry, not me. I remember, and that company is not welcome here. If it were up to me, any mention of it would be removed. But we allow the group buys, because you're going to do it anyway, so if it receives some publicity, then we live with that in hopes that should it return to the past, we know right away.
We aren't running polls, we aren't voting on stuff. We are allowing group buys, and once in a while "advertising" threads slip through the cracks. but if we see the trend in "Yay vendor", we will take action and remove them.

That's my thoughts on it..
Wow wish I saw this before placing a $300 order
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Old 09-07-2012, 10:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Burn him, he's a witch!!
Crap happens, that's why they sell toilet paper in 48 roll packs!
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Old 09-10-2012, 06:27 AM
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Placed order 5 days ago, sent 3 responce. Can anyone PM me this guys phone number?
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