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Old 05-14-2009, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by View Post
This discussion shall now be limited to PM. Does not belong in a wickedfrags therad. I think you can both agree on that...

The new thread to discuss the real topic, well that will be up shorly. Thanks.
My apologies Dave. I didn't realize this was in your forum until now. I thought it was just a thread discussing moderation, which to be fair sounds about right.
Old 05-14-2009, 03:58 PM
Gooly001 Gooly001 is offline
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Default Your CITES?


I've just visited your website and it seems that you have a lot of nice corals. Not to accuse you of anything but in order for me to feel comfortable doing business with you; could you please verify for me that these corals were imported legally from yourself or your supplier?

Thank you.
Old 05-14-2009, 03:59 PM
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Bending stupid rules in your personal life is one thing, bending such rules at work or in a business environment is another story though!

Originally Posted by Reefer Rob View Post
I agree with the mislabeling thing of course, but bending senseless stupid rules is on of my hobbies.
I agree with you, the discussion of mods and staff if for PMs. The new thread regarding corals will be up after lunch and will stay on topic - I will take the time to ensure this happens (it will be in my forum.

Pleased to hear you find the site a great resource and support, it's a big part of the site! Cheers.

Originally Posted by Pazil View Post
Well what happened to taking this stuff to PM's... I for one (and will only speak for myself) have found this site (and the mods) to be a great resource for information and support. I would really like to see this conversation continue (with regards to the corals not the mods). If there is still a need to debate the moderator actions, opinions or otherwise can you take THAT elsewhere so the rest of us can continue to learn and discuss what is affecting our hobby.
I'm out.
Old 05-14-2009, 04:12 PM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Yes Dave, I have been thinking about purchasing one of your Pink Lemonade acro frags, but at $110 for a "small" frag I really would like some verification it is in fact a Pink Lemonade acro? I see that you have listed yourself as the farmer of this coral?

Also is this a freshly cut frag or encrusted? I want to stay away from freshly cut and shipped frags this time. Lat time according to you my WYSIWYG frag must have died. before shipping. so you cut a fresh one and shipped it to me .. and it arrived as nothing more than a bare rock.
Old 05-14-2009, 04:13 PM
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Hey RAD. Thanks and I agree some nice pieces there for sure.

For those who may not be aware, I have a full-time job and am not a store front, I generally just sell frags as I grow them out. I do not import corals from suppliers (don't have the time, money or space) so I do not deal with CITES permits. The corals I sell have been already landed in Canada so they have gone though that process with the LFS.

Come shipment day here in Toronto, well I am standing in line at the LFS with everyone else! Dave

Originally Posted by R.A.D. View Post

I've just visited your website and it seems that you have a lot of nice corals. Not to accuse you of anything but in order for me to feel comfortable doing business with you; could you please verify for me that these corals were imported legally from yourself or your supplier?

Thank you.
I'm out.
Old 05-14-2009, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by View Post
Bending stupid rules in your personal life is one thing, bending such rules at work or in a business environment is another story though!
LOL! Bending rules in my business is nearly impossible anyway, the government is so far up my a$$ it hurts to bend over... still, if it's a senseless rule

There's so many regulations (and a government bureaucracy to go with each one!) I probably break a few every day and don't even know it.

Gotta go... so many rules, so little time.
Old 05-14-2009, 04:23 PM
Gooly001 Gooly001 is offline
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Default Cites

Could you kindly ask your supplier to forward you a copy of his/her CITES for me? You could PM or fax me a copy.

Thanks and looking forward to it as I would like to spend quite a considerable amount of money with you just as long as you can show me documented proof that you or your supplier brought it in legally.

Thanks for your time.
Old 05-14-2009, 04:25 PM
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Pleased to hear you are considering another purchase - last time you posted you indicated you would never be buying from me again and sold your credit. Glad things can change!

I can verify my pink lemonade is in fact my pink lemonade if that's what you mean...and I can show you a picture of the colony it will be coming from. I generaly just make up the names for ordering purposes (such as the lariat zoa - named after the truck I just bought), or if it is visually simalar to other popular corals.

Also - the frag may be a little on the larger side, my colony is getting quite large now. I can prepare the frag for you and mount it however you like - give it a 5-8 days and it should be encrusted on whatever substrate you prefer, liverock or a aragonite disk. I don't keep frags of this ready for shipment - I really do not like fragging this coral.

Again, sorry about that last frag, I ended up losing the entire colony. Make things worse, it was one of the wife's favorite.

Originally Posted by Borderjumper View Post
Yes Dave, I have been thinking about purchasing one of your Pink Lemonade acro frags, but at $110 for a "small" frag I really would like some verification it is in fact a Pink Lemonade acro? I see that you have listed yourself as the farmer of this coral?

Also is this a freshly cut frag or encrusted? I want to stay away from freshly cut and shipped frags this time. Lat time according to you my WYSIWYG frag must have died. before shipping. so you cut a fresh one and shipped it to me .. and it arrived as nothing more than a bare rock.
I'm out.
Old 05-14-2009, 04:32 PM
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Originally Posted by R.A.D. View Post
Could you kindly ask your supplier to forward you a copy of his/her CITES for me? You could PM or fax me a copy.

Thanks and looking forward to it as I would like to spend quite a considerable amount of money with you just as long as you can show me documented proof that you or your supplier brought it in legally.

Thanks for your time.
I think someone is trying make a point... and a good one!

Who was it that said a long time ago "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Give me a minute, it's come to me
Old 05-14-2009, 04:37 PM
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You and me both - lots of rules in government (I work in healthcare),

Originally Posted by Reefer Rob View Post
LOL! Bending rules in my business is nearly impossible anyway, the government is so far up my a$$ it hurts to bend over... still, if it's a senseless rule

There's so many regulations (and a government bureaucracy to go with each one!) I probably break a few every day and don't even know it.

Gotta go... so many rules, so little time.
As noted above, my suppliers are the Local Fish Stores here in Toronto. I have in fact asked for copies of CITES to investigate the possibility of re-exporting frags to the US -ya it did not go over well as the CITES contains the suppier name...and the local stored here are kinda protective of that as you may be able to appreciate! (only as good as your sullier here in Toronto)

Hope this adequately answers your question. Dave

Originally Posted by R.A.D. View Post
Could you kindly ask your supplier to forward you a copy of his/her CITES for me? You could PM or fax me a copy.

Thanks and looking forward to it as I would like to spend quite a considerable amount of money with you just as long as you can show me documented proof that you or your supplier brought it in legally.

Thanks for your time.
I'm out.

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