Originally Posted by Borderjumper
Kabong.. I did major research on firefish before I bought them and like many things in this hobby got tons of conflicting advice. The general consensius was that you could keep 1... or you could keep a large group together.. but not 2 or 3. I bought 8... 1 carpet surfed shortly after .. and the 7 have been happily co-habitating in one large rock ( no clue on how they al fit in such a little hole) for months now. Time will tell I guess. If they start to bicker.. most of them will go looking for new homes.
Hopefully It will work out for you.
If i recall correctly a male will take more then one mate.
So maybe you'll have 6 female's and one very tierd and happy male LOL.
You are right though you can never tell.
heres my mated pair that's not supposed to be done.
I should say though that the purple killed its first prespective mate in under 24hrs.