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Borderjumper 02-18-2007 06:53 AM

Big Paly ate my firefish!
This Paly was really small when I got it. I started feeding it Mysis shrimp, then when it got bigger I switched to deli shrimps cut up into big chunks. I think I've created a monster. HE ATE MY F'N FIREFISH!!:2gunfire:

Kabong 02-18-2007 07:03 AM

Wierd.... Really wierd
I'd have to exspect there was something really wrong with the fire fish though.
Its odd enough the paly eating eat, But there's no way a healthy fish could get taken out by a paly.

Der_Iron_Chef 02-18-2007 08:13 AM

That's nuts. I'm thinking the same thing, too....seems a bit crazy for a paly to take out a perfectly healthy fish.

albert_dao 02-18-2007 08:15 AM

I don't know exactly how to state this in an ethical manner, but that is FRICKING AWESOME!

Borderjumper 02-18-2007 09:05 AM

I had feed the fish only 1/2 an hour before I saw this. I HAD 7 firefish, and all 7 were out and actively eating. I keep a good eye on my tank.. and none of the fish acted sick. I still look at the picture and just shake my head.

Kabong 02-18-2007 09:45 AM

Off topic, But
7 Firefish in your tank?
While firefish will hang together when young.
Once they sexually mature they chose a mate and become Territorial.
You may be in for a battle Royal.

Beverly 02-18-2007 02:03 PM

Wow! Whether or not the fish was healthy is beside the point, in a manner of speaking. A paly that's large and capable enough to eat a firefish is amazing.

Delphinus 02-18-2007 05:29 PM


Borderjumper 02-18-2007 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Beverly (Post 236300)
Wow! Whether or not the fish was healthy is beside the point, in a manner of speaking. A paly that's large and capable enough to eat a firefish is amazing.

Its a big one.. the sun coral in the background is pretty good sized.. and this Paly is everybit as big. The 5 or 6 polyps of the origanal frag are huge.. brown with a bright almost neon throat and mouth. The newer polyps aren't as big yet, but they are still growing. This Paly has the strongest feeding reflex of anything in my tank. Last week we watched it eat a snail!

Kabong.. I did major research on firefish before I bought them and like many things in this hobby got tons of conflicting advice. The general consensius was that you could keep 1... or you could keep a large group together.. but not 2 or 3. I bought 8... 1 carpet surfed shortly after .. and the 7 have been happily co-habitating in one large rock ( no clue on how they al fit in such a little hole) for months now. Time will tell I guess. If they start to bicker.. most of them will go looking for new homes.

Moogled 02-18-2007 08:24 PM

Borderjumper, 7 Firefish together sounds like a pretty sweet tank. Would you mind posting a full tank shot? :D

As for "healthy fish rarely die in strange ways", that's something that I disagree with. Alot of reefers on the board have flourishing tanks and to say that there's no way a healthy fish could be killed and eaten by a plate coral/anemone/paly is kind of misleading.

I think there's more than just the general "health" of the fish that decides the outcome.

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