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Old 05-18-2019, 08:52 PM
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Another possibility is Brooklynella. Even though it's known as Clownfish disease, it affects all. Some it kills and some are only carriers.
Brook kills just as fast as Velvet.

I bought some fish last year and the 4 of 10 that survived through a QT period of 3 weeks infected my DT fish. 1/2 my DT fish died within 3 days, including 2 of the 4 that were introduced.
I had to remove and treat the survivors with CP.
The carrier fish showed no signs so it was impossible to know it would happen.
It was my own fault as I panicked when the QT fish were dying and I thought they needed more room than my QT provided.

If you ever need to house fish again during a move, I'd suggest finding someone with a spare tank who can house them completely independent for you.
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Old 05-18-2019, 10:21 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Another possibility is Brooklynella. Even though it's known as Clownfish disease, it affects all. Some it kills and some are only carriers.
Brook kills just as fast as Velvet.

I bought some fish last year and the 4 of 10 that survived through a QT period of 3 weeks infected my DT fish. 1/2 my DT fish died within 3 days, including 2 of the 4 that were introduced.
I had to remove and treat the survivors with CP.
The carrier fish showed no signs so it was impossible to know it would happen.
It was my own fault as I panicked when the QT fish were dying and I thought they needed more room than my QT provided.

If you ever need to house fish again during a move, I'd suggest finding someone with a spare tank who can house them completely independent for you.
Would agree. Brook has a 90%+ kill rate and strikes out of nowhere. Very difficult to treat and would explain the complete wipeout in such a short time. You rarely see things like copper or low oxygen completely nuke fish without some amount of lead time and/or straggling survivors.
This and that.
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Old 05-18-2019, 10:47 PM
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To add, my point is the LFS did not tell you how many fish they lost in the other five or six tanks, and how they died.
For all you know they lost numerous fish from a shipment, either before or during the time your fish were in there tanks
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