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Accordexi 05-18-2019 06:43 AM

All fish dieing
I do not blame anyone/especially the store that gracefully kept the fish for me while I moved

so here is my sad story.

My fish
5 tangs
1 emperor angle
1 coral beauty
1 clown
And a few little damsels

I dropped off the fish on Friday afternoon. All healthy eating like crazy and no signs of anything wrong.
The store acclimated them super professional. And put them into the holding tank. One of the tanks that has about 6 total tanks on the same system .

Come one week this Friday.
I went to pickup the fish when I was informed that all fish died. I took it as a joke and said how many did they sell...

To what they responded that it was for real.
I headed to the same tank that had my fish one week before to find it completely empty!. I then looked at the other tanks and noticed that other fish were there. All seem to be fine. They did show me all the fish by taking them out of a freezer.

Now here is the question. What would wipe out only one tank while the others were fine ?

The fish apparently died from Sunday night to Monday morning. I'm a little disappointed that I wasn't made aware of this on Monday.

I need some help to understand what could have caused this disaster?

All the fish that died had been with me for well over 2 years.

Anyone had something like this happen?

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Frogger 05-18-2019 07:50 AM

Sorry to hear of your loss. It is extremely difficult to know. What did the store think happened?

Was the tank fully cycled? Ammonia build up?

Sometimes the stress of moving the fish could release something that is already within your fish.

mr_alberta 05-18-2019 04:48 PM

Could depend on the size of the fish vs. the size of the holding tank. Are all the tanks connected or is each tank stand alone? The amount of decor in the tank also plays a big factor. If they go into a tank with nothing but a single rock in it you will have aggression and stress issues which could cause fish to kill each other and/or die.

Craigdillman 05-18-2019 07:48 PM

lots of stores run copper in tanks to put ich at bay could be that some fish are sensitive to it

Sounds like its a acculmation issue tho , or heat related issue. If they accumulated them super fast then it could take up too 1 day and a bit to die from salinity stress

Could be ich or velvet in the water as well and they went into an envirmeont that was contaminated ?

or could be simple as stress of the fast move killed them

I kinda think you have a right to ask what happened ? I know its not there fault but if there a fish store they should be able to keep fish alive weather its from a shipment from hawaii or from your tank shouldn't make no difference>?

my 2 cents

at least try to get a discount off some new ones ?

gregzz4 05-18-2019 08:52 PM

Another possibility is Brooklynella. Even though it's known as Clownfish disease, it affects all. Some it kills and some are only carriers.
Brook kills just as fast as Velvet.

I bought some fish last year and the 4 of 10 that survived through a QT period of 3 weeks infected my DT fish. 1/2 my DT fish died within 3 days, including 2 of the 4 that were introduced.
I had to remove and treat the survivors with CP.
The carrier fish showed no signs so it was impossible to know it would happen.
It was my own fault as I panicked when the QT fish were dying and I thought they needed more room than my QT provided.

If you ever need to house fish again during a move, I'd suggest finding someone with a spare tank who can house them completely independent for you.

albert_dao 05-18-2019 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 1036408)
Another possibility is Brooklynella. Even though it's known as Clownfish disease, it affects all. Some it kills and some are only carriers.
Brook kills just as fast as Velvet.

I bought some fish last year and the 4 of 10 that survived through a QT period of 3 weeks infected my DT fish. 1/2 my DT fish died within 3 days, including 2 of the 4 that were introduced.
I had to remove and treat the survivors with CP.
The carrier fish showed no signs so it was impossible to know it would happen.
It was my own fault as I panicked when the QT fish were dying and I thought they needed more room than my QT provided.

If you ever need to house fish again during a move, I'd suggest finding someone with a spare tank who can house them completely independent for you.

Would agree. Brook has a 90%+ kill rate and strikes out of nowhere. Very difficult to treat and would explain the complete wipeout in such a short time. You rarely see things like copper or low oxygen completely nuke fish without some amount of lead time and/or straggling survivors.

gregzz4 05-18-2019 10:47 PM

To add, my point is the LFS did not tell you how many fish they lost in the other five or six tanks, and how they died.
For all you know they lost numerous fish from a shipment, either before or during the time your fish were in there tanks

Accordexi 05-19-2019 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Craigdillman (Post 1036406)
lots of stores run copper in tanks to put ich at bay could be that some fish are sensitive to it

Sounds like its a acculmation issue tho , or heat related issue. If they accumulated them super fast then it could take up too 1 day and a bit to die from salinity stress

Could be ich or velvet in the water as well and they went into an envirmeont that was contaminated ?

or could be simple as stress of the fast move killed them

I kinda think you have a right to ask what happened ? I know its not there fault but if there a fish store they should be able to keep fish alive weather its from a shipment from hawaii or from your tank shouldn't make no difference>?

my 2 cents

at least try to get a discount off some new ones ?

The owner is definitely sorry that this happened. He said he would definitely help me out .

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LionfishJW 05-24-2019 07:33 PM

I feel the pain with you.

I had a few fishes dead after upgrade from an old to a new tank. Certainly, the migration gave them stress.

Any disease from any of your fishes should have killed all other fishes in the other tanks under the same system as well. This is the part puzzling me... Unless, the system has some sort of special treatment not suitable to your fishes but good for the others.

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