08-11-2011, 11:49 PM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Powell River, B.C.
Posts: 3,572
Originally Posted by fishytime
*said in a Forest Gump type voice*
That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run. So I ran to the end of the road, and when I got there, I thought maybe I'd run to the end of town. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd just run across Greenbow County. Now, thinking since I'd run this far, maybe I'd just run across the great state of Alabama. And that's what I did. I ran clear across Alabama. No particular reason. I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean.
So what are saying Doug? My Nem is going to be the Ping-Pong champion and multi-millionaire?
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