Tank moving plan...
Okay so I'm moving march 1 to our new house and I think I have a plan together just want some input. Tank is a rsm 250 65 gallon
So it goes something like this. Have 65 gallons of salt water made and ready to go. Empty half the water into this giant cooler I have and put rock, corals, and fish into cooler. In the cooler will be a powerhead and heater. Should I put in a air stone? Drain remaining water and keep it. Empty tank completly. What should I do with sand? Replace or rinse its 1 year old. Move tank. At new place pull all pumps and clean. Clean and scrape all coraline algea off back glass. Clean entire tank spotless. Refill half way with original water. Introduce sand bed. Put in rock. Refill rest of way. Let sand settle ect. Then test all parameters and if all good introduce live stock. Should this work or am I destined for failure?
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