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fireguy98 02-06-2013 12:50 AM

Tank moving plan...
Okay so I'm moving march 1 to our new house and I think I have a plan together just want some input. Tank is a rsm 250 65 gallon
So it goes something like this. Have 65 gallons of salt water made and ready to go. Empty half the water into this giant cooler I have and put rock, corals, and fish into cooler. In the cooler will be a powerhead and heater. Should I put in a air stone? Drain remaining water and keep it. Empty tank completly. What should I do with sand? Replace or rinse its 1 year old. Move tank. At new place pull all pumps and clean. Clean and scrape all coraline algea off back glass. Clean entire tank spotless. Refill half way with original water. Introduce sand bed. Put in rock. Refill rest of way. Let sand settle ect. Then test all parameters and if all good introduce live stock. Should this work or am I destined for failure?
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BlueWorldAquatic 02-06-2013 01:00 AM

I would recommend getting new sand, or you can leave it in with minimal water, just dot disrupt it too badly.

but if you are planning a good scrub job, just replace it, sand is cheap, better than spending hours rinsing it.

Re-use as much water as you can then replace the remainder with freshly made.

fireguy98 02-06-2013 01:04 AM

Okay cool sounds like a good plan. Replace the sand it is.

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BlueWorldAquatic 02-06-2013 01:46 AM

sand is cheap

fireguy98 02-06-2013 02:04 AM

Recommendations for sand. Currently use carib sea fiji pink. I have a diamond head that lives on the sand bed so I need something that is okay for him.

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fireguy98 02-06-2013 02:15 AM

Also should I put in a air stone or something or is a maxi 1200 good enough. The fish rock ect will be in the cooler for atleast 4 hours I figure maybe a little bit more.

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BlueWorldAquatic 02-06-2013 02:20 AM

just needs good flow

fireguy98 02-18-2013 05:05 AM

Tank moving day is coming up soon. Not going to lie I am dreading this!!

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kien 02-18-2013 05:24 AM

I'm dreading it too and I'm not even the one moving the tank! Seriously, it can be quite stressful. I feel your pain. One thing I would do differently is actually clean the tank before the move. That will save you a lot of time on move day. You already have a gajillion things to do so anything you can do before hand will help a lot.

fireguy98 02-18-2013 05:31 AM

I am lucky in one way I can move the tank in a day early so I have all day to get it done. How long do you figure my rock coral and live stock can stay in the cooler with a power head and a heater?

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