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Old 09-15-2013, 08:53 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
You are dead wrong.
Yes a tang will not grow to its adult size in a 45 gallon tank. The reasons are two (at least)

I might add that I am really disappointed. We have a new reefer here who unknowingly is making the typical mistakes. Instead of confirming Myka's adivice which you know is right, you post this nonsense which makes new reefers think that it is ok to put tangs and rabbitfish in 45 gallon tanks.
You know Myka is right so let the OP know you agree with her.
I would like to apologize to the OP for having to read his comments. Most people on Can Reef do not throw their authoritarian attitudes around here and are infact, very friendly and helpful.

This is a hobby and we are all here to inform and learn but when someone throws their opinion out in such a bullish manner I do not tolerate it regardless who is right and who is wrong. Something like this could have been discussed privately and if you are going to make it public at least be considerate of others.

Reading this makes me sick and it really takes the fun and interest out of the hobby. You are probably right but to call someone out like that in a public is just down right mean.
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Old 09-15-2013, 10:37 PM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
MOST fish grow to the size of their tank. Tangs and rabbitfish are inclusive rather than exclusive to this rule. There are exceptions to like Elasmobranchs, remoras and other pelagic species.
Please do some research on the impact that stunted growth has on lifespan. You will have to hunt around, the information is mostly hidden in scholarly articles and most of the articles refer to freshwater fish which information may or may not also be true for saltwater fish. The trouble is, there aren't really any studies or published articles out there directly relating to this question, more that they have comments within their studies. Good luck!
~ Mindy

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Old 09-16-2013, 12:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Please do some research on the impact that stunted growth has on lifespan. You will have to hunt around, the information is mostly hidden in scholarly articles and most of the articles refer to freshwater fish which information may or may not also be true for saltwater fish. The trouble is, there aren't really any studies or published articles out there directly relating to this question, more that they have comments within their studies. Good luck!
You realize that fish like tangs and angels, etc, live for something on the order of 25 years in captivity right? This is well beyond their wild lifespan. And honestly, what the hell is the difference between my fish living for ten years and 25 years? My dog doesn't even live that long. I am not morally obligated to keep them alive for the entire "possible" duration of their lifespan no more than I am morally obligated to leave them in the ocean.

Everyone keeps on saying "yah, those are freshwater studies done on growth limiting hormones, mostly in tilapia". Which is besides the point given that there is enough observable data out there that I would be more than happy get get behind my statement -- Again, how many dinner plate sized powder blues/yellow tangs are sitting in people's tanks?
This and that.
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Old 09-16-2013, 12:13 AM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
You are dead wrong.
Yes a tang will not grow to its adult size in a 45 gallon tank. The reasons are two (at least)

1.You stunt the fish which means that you cause it stress which is multiplied if there are other fish in the the tank. It is our responsibility as hobbyists to provide optimum conditions for the fish that we choose to remove from the ocean. We can provide a suitable sized tank.
2. You cannot reasonably feed a tang in a 45 gallon tank as you would pollute it with ammonia far too quickly. What some keepers of SPC and other fragile coral do is cut back on the food which reduces the ammonia and provides minimum food for the fish. That is the second reason they do not grow.

I might add that I am really disappointed. We have a new reefer here who unknowingly is making the typical mistakes. Instead of confirming Myka's adivice which you know is right, you post this nonsense which makes new reefers think that it is ok to put tangs and rabbitfish in 45 gallon tanks.
You know Myka is right so let the OP know you agree with her.

I'm just going to call you out on this crap right now -- This is some sort of liberal arts project for you or something. I mean, it must be. No one can take such a profusely impractical stance on such hypocritical context and believe in it without some degree of trolling.
This and that.
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Old 09-16-2013, 12:42 AM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
I am not morally obligated to keep them alive for the entire "possible" duration of their lifespan no more than I am morally obligated to leave them in the ocean.

Again, how many dinner plate sized powder blues/yellow tangs are sitting in people's tanks?
Oh you're very right, most people don't keep them alive long enough for them to be "dinner plate-sized".

I didn't say anything about moral obligation.
~ Mindy

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Old 09-16-2013, 01:41 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Oh you're very right, most people don't keep them alive long enough for them to be "dinner plate-sized".

I didn't say anything about moral obligation.
You know, this is my damn point. And it has nothing to do with small tanks.
This and that.
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Old 09-16-2013, 02:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Vancity View Post
I have 3 Glass Cardinals. They school together, eat together and have perhaps problems together?

1. pieces of their fins go missing... then grow back
2. pieces of their fins go white... then it disappears
3. Pieces of their fins look like they're eroding... then grow back
4. the soft tissue between the tiny bones in their fins separates... then they grow back together

1. sometimes white fleshy sores appear on their sides... then next week they're healed and fine

And finally, one of them in particular over the last month has developed a LARGE CHIN. The first time it happened for 3 days, then again it happend for 4 days. During this large chin phase it doesn't eat, it chases food like its going to eat it but then just watches it fall??? The other 2 eat just fine.

An ideas or advice? Discuss? I keep thinking about posting as i haven't found any info searching
And now back to the ops original question regarding his cardinal fish......not to be rude about the discussion on fish and tank size, but holy hijacking a thread!
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Old 09-16-2013, 04:05 AM
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What happened here?! i go fishing for the day and now i need to sell my Rabbitfish?! Lol

Here are a few pics of the CARDINALS this post is supposed to be about

June 30th

Sept 15th (today) damage healed...

Sept 15th (today) damage healed...
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Old 09-16-2013, 04:15 AM
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And seeing as how more interest has been given to "Scribbles" (Rabbitfish) here's a pic too.
If he could talk I'm sure he'd be stoked people are talking about him...the supermodel of my tank... (and a PHOTOBOMBER!)
Have had him for 8 months, Started out 2.5" long, and is now a whopping 3" long... If he gets too big for the tank i'll either sell him or buy a bigger tank, no big deal, he says thanks for the concern!

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Old 09-16-2013, 04:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Rice Reef View Post
I would like to apologize to the OP for having to read his comments. Most people on Can Reef do not throw their authoritarian attitudes around here and are infact, very friendly and helpful.

This is a hobby and we are all here to inform and learn but when someone throws their opinion out in such a bullish manner I do not tolerate it regardless who is right and who is wrong. Something like this could have been discussed privately and if you are going to make it public at least be considerate of others.

Reading this makes me sick and it really takes the fun and interest out of the hobby. You are probably right but to call someone out like that in a public is just down right mean.
Please read my post in reply to the OP, and, you are right in hindsight I should have sent a PM to Albert asking him to 'clarify' his post rather than posting.
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