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Old 01-23-2009, 03:24 AM
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Default The F350 saga continues

Well we still don't have our truck back. We tried to get the financing but we were told we had to put $15000 down. Ironically enough there is $15000 to buy ourselves out of the truck and walk away.

We requested it get fixed and waited... it was not being fixed and the sevice manager would not return our repeated phone calls. We finally had it flatdecked out of the lot and to a deisel specialist. The truck gets there and he said there is a dealership outside of Calgary that would fix the truck.

So my hubby calls and checks it out and he is told there is no red flag on the truck and there is extended warranty and lots of warranty left. SO... again it gets put on the flatdeck and goes out of town. NO problem, it is being worked on as I type. No hitches, no problems. We still have the HD F350 from Advantage and are keeping it until our truck is done.

The dealer out of town said bring the truck to them and they will fix anything on it under warranty. I am doing a happy dance about this, since this is supposed to be how it works.

What I don't understand is why in the heck has Advantage Ford not fixed and said they cannot do so,due to warranty issues? Then another dealer says no problem we can fix it... always. Does Ford not pay for it under warranty no matter where we take it to be fixed? I don't want to make waves since I am not sure why it can suddenly be fixed elsewhere, and I don't want anyone in trouble for fixing it. I also don't want to shoot myself in the foot over a good thing, so perhaps I should just keep my mouth shut.

Any ways thanks to those whom offered help and info in PMs, which did arm me for a fight, big time. The AMVIC info was priceless, but all it did was discourage Advantage Ford from returning our phone calls. The day we had it flatdecked out of there was they day they called back saying they were fixing it on our dime. How long has that been since my original post now?

Now my husband just told me that the dealer out of town is owned by Advantage Ford... so... I really don't know what to say now...
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Old 01-23-2009, 03:37 AM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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I think I know right away what is happening there.

My guess is that Advantage Ford has been warned about some questionable warranty decisions by Ford Motor Co. and so by doing such a big job, they would be increasing their chances of getting a warranty audit. Ford combines every dealer in the country for their warranty work on each thing, they then divide by the number of dealers to come to an average. Any dealers outside of that average are looked such, they tend to continually drop the average. Each dealer has "some" leeway as to questionable warranty situations, but if a dealer gets outside the mean average too often, in come a battalion of warranty auditors to check on them. Believe you me, those auditors WILL find a vehicle that had a problem at 60,100km when warranty was only 60,000 or something of that nature. When they do, big chargebacks...sometimes enough to close the store down for good.

The other dealer you took it to is probably slower (out of town) and therefore they have done less warranty and don't stand out.

Advantage has dealt with it poorly...they should have been more forthcoming with you.

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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Old 01-23-2009, 03:37 AM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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Letting you have the loaner so long is their twisted way of apologizing for the issue.

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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Old 01-23-2009, 03:46 AM
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I just wish we did not wait seven weeks, and take it to two places. Why didn't Advantage tell us to take it to their other dealership out of town? They would not have given us two trucks to drive that still had plastic and windows stickers on them. The Harley Davidson truck is almost $80000 and althoug it is real nice, my hubby's truck is much better.

The audit must be brutal for them to lose so much money giving us new trucks to drive off the lot everytime our truck breaks. This truck of ours' has broken numerous times and has to be flatdecked every single time. A flatdeck is big money if you have to pay for it. It is strange why they could not have been honest from the start and checked to see where else we could take it. It would have saved us a huge amount of grief and upset over this. The amounts of missed work dealing with this has cost us money too.

I super glad the truck is being fixed, but ****ed over the whole situation.

Originally Posted by mseepman View Post
I think I know right away what is happening there.

My guess is that Advantage Ford has been warned about some questionable warranty decisions by Ford Motor Co. and so by doing such a big job, they would be increasing their chances of getting a warranty audit. Ford combines every dealer in the country for their warranty work on each thing, they then divide by the number of dealers to come to an average. Any dealers outside of that average are looked such, they tend to continually drop the average. Each dealer has "some" leeway as to questionable warranty situations, but if a dealer gets outside the mean average too often, in come a battalion of warranty auditors to check on them. Believe you me, those auditors WILL find a vehicle that had a problem at 60,100km when warranty was only 60,000 or something of that nature. When they do, big chargebacks...sometimes enough to close the store down for good.

The other dealer you took it to is probably slower (out of town) and therefore they have done less warranty and don't stand out.

Advantage has dealt with it poorly...they should have been more forthcoming with you.
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Old 01-23-2009, 03:47 AM
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Haahaa not likely. When the manager at Advantage saw Frank was driving the truck still he went pale. He did not know we still had it.

Originally Posted by mseepman View Post
Letting you have the loaner so long is their twisted way of apologizing for the issue.
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