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Old 05-10-2015, 03:16 PM
Cameron Cameron is offline
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Default Shaw/Telus Deals and Frustrations

I constantly notice my shaw bill creeping up all the time. We were paying $204/month. Cancelled the phone now we are running around $186.70.

I will admit I am also a shareholder of both companies and love that they do increase costs, but as a user frustrated.

Here is what we currently have for services, how can we best lower our bill and not lose services

Classic Cable $69
HD Plus $19
Broadband 50 $81.
Total $169 + GST PST $186.70
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Old 05-10-2015, 04:16 PM
The Guy The Guy is offline
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Wink Pick up your phone and call

Shaw- for customer service and satisfaction every time call them.

Telus - for customer service and satisfaction " for me " when I called them, I'm no longer with Telus and haven't been for years.

Give them a call and tell them you want a better deal with your bundle, I did that and was pleased when I hung up and still have everything and more than I had for less and still have my land line phone.

Coming soon to a provider near you choose your own channels package, more savings and you don't have to have all the junk channels.
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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Old 05-10-2015, 04:32 PM
westreefmang westreefmang is offline
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Shaw is garbage always have problems there Internet services are only ok ....telus tho I've never had problem the one time my service with net slowed they had someone out next day to change out the router and there fancy Main box haven't had problem since....have been with telus now 4 years and my bill has been same unless I change something
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Old 05-10-2015, 06:16 PM
Dendromad Dendromad is offline
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I use Over the Air for TV, its free and HD! Sure you don't get tons of channels, but we do get Global, CTV, CTV2, City, CBC and a few others all in HD and uncompressed so even better picture than cable. We just spend $73 on internet.
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Old 05-10-2015, 07:01 PM
The Guy The Guy is offline
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Well, opinions are like A**H***S every one has one.

Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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Old 05-10-2015, 07:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Dendromad View Post
I use Over the Air for TV, its free and HD! Sure you don't get tons of channels, but we do get Global, CTV, CTV2, City, CBC and a few others all in HD and uncompressed so even better picture than cable. We just spend $73 on internet.
I do the exact same thing free hd TV I very satisfying I have a 20 dollar antenna at the top of my chimney I get 16 channels. With this I have the telus 50 internet pretty fast for downloading any shows I don't get. 68+ tax
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Old 05-11-2015, 03:27 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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We always have to cancel our service...
usually get a call within a month from Shaw looking to hook us back up and offering deals to do so.

Last time when from paying 230 to less than 100...all same services.

Trying to get anything out of them any other way is a joke.
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Old 05-11-2015, 05:35 PM
Ulmo Ulmo is offline
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Shaw's WIFI network is awesome, and is the deciding factor IMO.
Also, I dislike traffic shaping.

Last edited by Ulmo; 05-11-2015 at 05:38 PM.
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Old 05-11-2015, 07:16 PM
MKLKT MKLKT is offline
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I had a brief period of time where I was suffering on Shaw due to node saturation but since that was resolved it's been great. 15 years or so of good service except the occasional contractor who wasn't knowledgeable enough. I'm still on a BB100 package at a reasonable price so I won't touch it.

I've heard bad and good experiences on both sides with both providers and a lot of it has to do with where you specifically live and the type of gear you use. I've heard complaints that were aimed at the provider when really it was the cheap router, cable, etc. that the customer was using. I've also known people who got months of runarounds with no acceptable solution.

Not a fan of the 3 year contract stuff though, if the service was appreciably better you wouldn't need that. And yes I know it's usually to cover some sort of 'bonus' item.
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Old 05-12-2015, 02:33 PM
monocus monocus is offline
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Default tv

get rid of tv cable and just use internet,you can watch any tv show on the internet on putlocker,primewire etc anytime you want and whole series at once
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