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Old 02-11-2016, 06:23 AM
iamfrontosa iamfrontosa is offline
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Originally Posted by itsmeraja86 View Post
I am in the process of requesting quotes from the Miracle aquarium, Primoreefacrylic and concept aquarium. I know what size of the tank i would need 72x24x24 however the major question is around how many Drain holes and size as well as how many return holes and size of the hole required.

This might be a dumb question but since i am running a sumpless system i have no idea what is ideal and good solution .

Also Internal overflow vs external overflow ( i liked the left right corner internal overflow but not sure if that has any drawbacks).

I am also needing guidance on fail safe overflow options like drilling a 3/4" hole just above the waterline to have water reverse siphon only limited water that can be accomodated by my sump.

One last question is how big of a sump i need for this 180(72x24x24)
You don't want to drill above the water line, or else water will be shooting out everywhere when the pump is running. You shouldn't even need to drill holes for back siphon if you tank is built correctly.

Your return line should not be too low (below water line) that your sump can not handle all the extra volume when the pump is shut off. If you order from Dave (Concepts), you can just let him know what you want, say a Herbie system (same as mine). I went with internal centre overflow. I like the clean look. But my next tank will be external. Just so I will have more room inside the tank.

You can let him know which return pump you will be running, and Dave can take care of the plumping headaches for you. You might as well order sump from Dave if you are going to use him anyway.

He usually draws up a nice sketch before the build for your review.

By the way, I am not working for Concepts. I am just another customer that bought a tank, sump, stand, and plumping from him. I was in your shoes too. I had the exact same questions as you. Good luck !
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