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Old 01-17-2016, 04:51 PM
Fishy! Fishy! is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post

36 x 22 x 16" total volume (to 15" height) is 50 gallons. Running volume at 9" depth is 30 gallons. Add 16 gallons to 30 is 46 gallons. That gives you 4 gallons of "insurance" space.

36 x 22 x 17" total volume (to 16" height) is 53 gallons. Running volume at 9" depth is 30 gallons. Add 16 gallons to 30 is 46 gallons. That gives you another 3 more gallons of space, 7 gallons total. That's probably enough for your frag tank too depending how you plumb it.
The problem I see here is that the total stand dims is going to be 22" deep. I then have to accommodate for the material to make the stands structure which is likely 4.5". That only leaves me with approx 16" of space. This is going to have to be one tall sump!
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