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Old 04-30-2015, 09:28 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by garwood View Post
could it be the pukani. my tank is almost 3 months now. went through the diatoms then the gha and this has continued since. My clean up crew cant keep up. Im reading 0 nitrates but im assuming the algae is taking it up therefor giving me the 0 reading. my phos was 1.6 but added a reactor and got to about 0.04 but never any lower. I bleached and acid bathed the rock and let it soak for a week. i suspect the pukani has phos still leaching out.
I would have my doubts , how small of water volume are we talking? Rock can only leach phosphates for so long it's not something that is created long term and if you acid bathed the rock then its surface has been stripped clean. How do you export nutrients now and when did you start with phosphate removers?

It's not just nitrates and phosphates that algae uses but other elements as well, and some algaes are tolerant of low nutrient conditions so as the saying goes know your enemy to find his weaknesses ....basically I.D the algae

A pic would help
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