Thread: The Soapbox
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Old 04-16-2015, 10:34 PM
kamloops_reefer's Avatar
kamloops_reefer kamloops_reefer is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Kamloops
Posts: 103
kamloops_reefer is on a distinguished road

I've become very bitter about selling to people from the internet - because that is the biggest reason for the lack of ethics.

50% are price shopping on impulse and make stupid disrespectful offers because they want to see what they can get for 15 seconds of time invested. Rather than arranging a time to meet, view and negotiate.

45% are so flaky or impulsive again they decided that 5 days after making you hold something, and the day before or of, they changed their mind......

5% of the people are good to deal with and now have to suffer the reality of first come first serve.

I pick and choose who I give the benefit of the doubt to. I've met some people from here who I suspected would be wasting my time (opinionated of course). These people plagued the for sale boards trying to buy the lowest end stuff, started randomly calling and texting me - sure enough when I was shutting down my tank, they were there and decided to take he $5 fish where there was enough comments they liked other things......I'm not surprised

Just build good relationships with the few are good to deal with.
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