Originally Posted by andestang
I find just the opposite, especially if a breaker has been tripped more than half a dozen times or so they tend to trip more easy, but yes breakers do wear out.
Yup repeated cycling will wear out the mechanisms resulting in tripping early... frustrating, but safe.
The safety issues come from age related issues with the metal components like good old corrosion. Additionally the changing flow of power over the years heats and cools the metals and they can start to fuse together over time. And if your lucky enough to have a Federal Pacific/Pioneer stab lock panel breakers probably didn't trip when they were supposed to from day one so now in extreme cases the internals could be full on welded together

Surprisingly reliable check, turn your breakers off then back on, if the handles don't move smoothly and easily there is probably some internal corrosion going on and may be time to replace.
Side note... If you have a Federal Pacific, Federal Pioneer, Sylvania, or CEB panel, call an electrician and get it out of your house they all have known issues with their breakers not tripping when they are supposed to.
okay I'm going to try to stop preaching electrical safety now haha.