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Old 06-26-2014, 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
hope it wasnt out of place but i was just interested to see what the argument is from the other side of things , as hobbyist we all have what we think works and i know that TM is a trusted name in the game but as someone who uses randys recipe i wanted to see his thoughts on this thread were.

i would like to see claude, hans and randy having a coffee one day and be sitting at the table behind spying in lol
No not at all but you wont get much love from them in regards to a balanced argument.

I will try and sit on the fence as I have said you dont need to stop using the 2 elements you already are, if you are happy with the brand you use carry on. The difference is the need for balancing the left over sodium chloride. There seems to be this long standing in ground in granite that it does not matter, and to be honest nobody has done many published studies in its effects. The science is there the chemistry is there, hans goes into a lot more detail in regards to the effects having free floating sodium chloride has on both growth and colour of corals, (something to do with stopping further absorption of chloride and carbonates as they have nothing left to bind to) What marine biology and marine chemistry tells us is you have a greater fighting chance of success if you follow what nature requires. Cutting corners I just cant believe in when there is no real point in doing so.

So far the arguments on RC have not impressed me or given any real assurance why 2 part is cool. Even stating that they add an unkown quantity of trace elements should be a big red flag.

But I am not going to get drawn into the gurus that host the chemistry forum on RC, its never a wise battle, however I will happily put facts here that I have learned from both Tropic marin and Hans directly.

TM Hans, RF and Claude have got together I believe many times at conferences.

I have a mass of respect for RHF actually, his knowledge is amazing, I just cant agree with the 2-3 part concept thats all, its missing chunks of marine chemistry as Hans showed many years ago now that spawned all the off shoots such as two part. My personal thoughts are those off shoots came from the desire for DIY but had no access to the balanced NACL free trace elements, so it was simply omitted and the became popular and the science got left behind.

TM took many years in commercializing Hans system and now the inventor is playing catch up and fighting against the spawn of his own system. People do forget where 2 part came from

Last edited by Aqua-Digital; 06-26-2014 at 10:28 PM.