Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital
As I said you cna take a horse to water but you cant make it drink.
You say "the proper way" is my opinion, again its not my opinion its simple chemistry, You cant defy that fact. Its NOT an opinion, its natural science.
You are not showing any reason why NOT to do it.
TM Balling as developed by Hans Werner Balling is without argument the correct way to keep up with minerals of you tank. If you feel using a cut down method gains you some benefit over this than go for it. But for those that do believe in doing it properly the CORRECT system is available
I cant argue with someone that feels taking short cuts is the right way
Bottom line until you try it you wont know. You can argue as a non user with every corner but the fact still remains, YOU DONT KNOW. 
You are right, Im not showing any reason NOT to do it. I never stated any and wasnt trying to make a case for that at all. If anything there would be reasons to do it. Im just not sure that it makes enough or any difference.
The only reason I chose to speak up was because of your language and the way you made it seem like you are doing it wrong if you dont do it and that you wont get good results. My experience goes to the contrary of this.
You like metaphors so here is one. There is more than one way to skin a cat.