Originally Posted by WarDog
WOW what a great mom!!!! Can you adopt me?
Haha...after this I may be looking for a new husband
Seriously, my son has had a few part time jobs over the last few years to save money:
- 3 years ago started changing light bulbs in our neighbourhood for our back lit house numbers that are architectural controls - $10 per house for $2 light bulbs

- it is amazing what people won't do for themselves
- 3 summers ago he found a part time job at a local marina where we spend our summers (pumping gas for boats, helping the mechanic, etc)
- In Calgary through the winter he has 3 snow removal contracts for houses in our neighbourhood
- also refs hockey...
He has earned a lot of this himself...we are only sponsoring him a little bit

He's a hard working kid with a great attitude and doesn't drink, do drugs, etc like lots of kids in his school, so I don't mind the sponsorship
Right now I am regretting we didn't get the Apex...I should just throw in a little more "sponsorship" and maybe get it for him??? In a set up like this are we crazy for not getting it?