Originally Posted by Reef Pilot
First, before you start, have your reagent pack cut, and opened/shaped ready to pour the powder into the vial. It is very important that you get all the powder into the vial really quick without spilling any.
Be sure the vial is always clean, inside and out.
After the C2 comes on, note the exact time in seconds and pour the reagent into the vial, and swirl for almost the full 3 min. It is very important that all the powder is dissolved and no micro bubbles. Then insert, close, and hold the button until the 3 min timer shows on the display. If you just press and release, you will get a reading but it will not be accurate. After the 3 min counts down, you will get your reading.
My Hanna checker readings are consistently accurate, and usually don't vary more than .01 when I have done more than one test.
Before when I was using the color test kits, they would read zero while the Hanna would read .6 and higher. It is very hard to distinguish white, and a slight off white, and they always read too low.
I use the Low Range Hanna Phosphate Checker, model HI 713 and reagents are HI 713-25.
Are you using RO water to rinse out the vials? I've been just rinsing them under the tap..which seems pretty stupid in retrospect now...
I've been emptying my packets over a piece of paper now, seems easier than trying to get it all out of the little packet into the little vial without spilling any.