You can make your's as simple as a tank, heater, filter and cheap canopy. $100 would cover it used easily
I kept mine running until I finished buying fish and kept new filter foam blocks in my sump (thanks Brad) for a month or more before use
Whenever I populated the QT, I added more blocks to the sump as I toss the used ones
To answer your initial question Raied, here's mine;
It's a 20g with a 15w freshwater bulb (low intensity is best for a QT) and an eggcrate top. The front half of the crate is cut and removable for arm access. I have had wrasses jump through it so you may be better off with a stock-style canopy
I use a 100w Jager and an Aquaclear 50
And a Seachem Ammo Alert badge
That's all you'd need
I used to keep my tank bare bottom, but it currently has tile as it's a close color to sand (the stand is black and reflected the light like a mirror - not very subdued for guys trapped in a small tank)
I blacked-out the back and sides (thanks Albert for the suggestion) with a garbage bag taped in place
I use either a take-out tray, or a take-out lid, for sand. Either depends on who is in QT. The tray is good for wrasses. The lid works well for blennies, gobies etc
For overkill, 'cause I always go overboard;
I installed an Aquaclear Surface Skimmer
I have an 8w hang-on UV run by a Lifeguard 1200
And I have a Tunze 3155 ATO (went through litres/day in the summer)
Plus a Penn-Plax B11 Silent Air battery backup air pump
It's also monitored/temp controlled by my RKE, and has a 120mm PC fan for cooling
Oh, and a moonlight
Guess that's about it
Before the tile, black garbage bag and eggcrate top
Current pic