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Old 12-05-2013, 03:27 PM
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LoJack LoJack is offline
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LoJack is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Magickiwi View Post
I’ve never quite understood the reasoning behind having dozens of warnings on various common sense things. If a person is too stupid to not submerge the controller for the heater do you think they are smart enough to read the warning section?

Not to mention, how far should humanity go to protect incredibly stupid people? I’d prefer the ghost of Darwin step in and add some ozone to the gene pool. If people that dumb get a chance to breed we’ve removed natural selection as a process for humanity.
lol nice

This makes me think of Jerry Seinfeld's standup

"Did you know that on the original Superman halloween costume, there is actually a warning that says This costume does not give you the ability to Fly! Right, I'd like to see the kid that's stupid enough to think he can fly, but smart enough to read the box for the warning"


And I agree, Darwin would be rolling over in his grave. We are evolving backwards as a society now.
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