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Old 10-22-2013, 04:08 AM
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The Codfather The Codfather is offline
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Originally Posted by View Post
Not gonna lie, I see a lot of red seal guys that IMO shouldn't have it. Hard to find anyone now adays that does quality work
I see this on a daily basis. Because of the high demand here in Alberta, the quality of apprentice has dropped, and not just a bit, a lot.
We used to have a very high success rate on the red seal, I'd say between 80-90 percent pass rate. Over the last 5 years or so, Im sure that has dropped to 50-60 percent.
Industry has dictated what is acceptable, they need people on site. So if you can fog a mirror, and pass a drug test, you have a job. The quality of apprentice, even new journey boy has drastically dropped.
There's plenty of room for all God's creatures.
Right next to the mashed potatoes.
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