Thread: CrossFit
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Old 10-05-2013, 04:13 PM
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mike31154 mike31154 is offline
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No bread? Yikes, I'm sure I can't pull that off. But I buy my bread mostly from a small German Bakery that specializes in ryes & generally heavier breads than 'Wonder Bread'. I'm no spring chicken any longer either but am in fairly decent shape. I've seen a lot of diets, fitness regimes, fitness apparatus(es) come & go over the years & am quite frankly amazed at how the folks selling fitness/dieting keep coming up with new stuff to empty our wallets.

I simply try to get off the couch & live an active lifestyle, haven't been to a fast food outlet in years, but do go for the occasional pizza from another small local outfit here in Vernon. I play soccer year round (indoor in winter) and do a lot of skiing in winter, including a couple of weeks of 'earning my turns'. Nothing like a 40 minute climb at altitude for a 3 minute run in untracked powder to get your cardio up to snuff. I don't have much upper body strength, so won't be helping anyone move their fish tank any time soon, but the legs & cardio are in fine form. There was also a time when I was a young Dad with kids that I spent more time on the couch & fitness declined, but that only lasted a few years.

A bit of this. Granted not cheap either, as most backcountry lodges inolve heli flights in & out. Then there's the guide & chef to renumerate. No need to watch your calories up here, other than making sure you get enough.

With some of this as a reward. My friend Garry going deep, not entirely sure why he's not grinning. (actually, the climbing with good company is a reward in itself)

And some of this, year round. Nothing like a team sport with a beer or two after with the boys (or girls, there is a coed league here in Vernon)

Everyone is motivated towards fitness (or not) in a different way. I love the mountains & a team sport for both fitness & socializing. Others need the structure of a fitness program at the gym etc. Whatever works for you is all good, as long as it gets you out from behind the computer/notebook/phone/ipad screen & off the couch.
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Last edited by mike31154; 10-05-2013 at 04:19 PM.
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