Originally Posted by Aquattro
Well, yes and no. Nutrient timing and hormone management play a huge role in this. I stopped losing weight for about 6 weeks, until I added 500 calories more per day, then it started dropping again. A calorie is not a calorie, and there is so much more.
As for IIFYM, sure, it works for some, who practice it properly (Layne Norton and Scott Baptie are two that immediately come to mind), but it allows the mentality that cheating is ok, and I guess if that's your thing, then fine. I follow different ideas, and a planned refeed is still top quality ingredients. For my bday, I went out for dinner and had grilled trout and extra veggies  . I guess it's all different strokes, and I'm more the "live a lot" than "live a little" kinda guy 
ha...got me with that last one. My dinner was a nice 16oz steak and wack load of asparagus, but I also feel good about the white bun with olive oil/balsamic and wine I had too. I also had a small piece of chocolate tonight. I really dont feel bad because Im trying to put on some weight/muscle and can use some extra calories but I could easily fit meals like that in while losing weight. Sure maybe some choices are not the best calories but they still count. I got my protein, good fat and fiber for the day....at least I think since Im not a true counter.
You sound very dedicated Brad..wow. What ever gets us in the right direction. I just really learned about refeeds a few months ago. If I ever get my butt below 10% I will definitely try them.