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Old 08-22-2013, 01:50 PM
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FishyFishy! FishyFishy! is offline
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Location: Calgary SE
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FishyFishy! will become famous soon enough

I'm in customer service too. This type of thing happens more often than not unfortunately. Some people just don't have a clue. I constantly have to take a "walk" after those people to calm down and keep my cool lol. Otherwise there would be massive amounts of holes in my office walls!

Sometimes I dream about doing one of those YouTube office freakouts and throwing my computer screen accross the showroom floor. MAN that would be fun.

I've dealt with you a couple times and can say you have great customer service, and are more than fair when dealing with issues. Don't worry about those random douchebags!!!

They call it addiction for a reason...
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