Thread: ReefCentral
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Old 07-04-2004, 03:17 PM
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MalHavoc MalHavoc is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
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Hey guys,

We've been aware of the issue for a while now, but because it's the July 4th weekend in the US, it's hard to get a hold of anyone to get the problem resolved. The problem is not with the ISPs in Canada. It's with a particular router going into the ISP where the ReefCentral servers are hosted.

As for the hop timing out after the Level3 network - that's normal. We block ICMP packets going into the RC servers so traceroutes appear to time out after that point.

It will hopefully be resolved on Tuesday, once everyone is back at work.

Jason Nugent
ReefCentral Sytems Administrator
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