Originally Posted by Magma
Ok maybe Old timer is the wrong choice. Brand Junkie? Im just sick if reading numerous forums (not just canreef) where people who have been in the hobby for a long time, provide information to newbies such as "You should only use Radion LED's because thats what I use and if you cant use those then nothing else will do"
Or even people reading other threads saying this "letter" is now legal action when its all just rumors floating around forums which have been twisted through the power of the internet into this big problem which its really not. But again because these people wont buy a cheaper product because they have to have the brand name. Then they end up projecting there own feelings onto it and twist it even further for the next guy to read even more false information.
Again just my $0.02
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A wise man once shared this with me, it seems the time pass it on.