Originally Posted by mrhasan
That line has long extinct from this hobby just like watt per gallon theory. It should be more like "you pay what you what". A KZ zeovit reactor is $300+ while a vertex zeovit reactor is $100+. Does that make vertex reactor bad? NO. You get a bubble king skimmer for $1000+ and a bubble magus skimmer for $100+. Does that make BM a bad skimmer? NO. You get a radion for $800+ and a evergrow LED for $200+. Does that make evergrow LED bad? NO (in fact I have heard people having more trouble with radions than evergrow). A vertex RODI costs $200 and a aquasafe costs $100. Does that make aquasafe bad? NO! It is not always the "price" that can judge a product. People just need to get over the fact that everyone in this hobby should buy expensive stuffs or never start it.
Coming back to your main part of the post. I use WP40 and am happy about it. The only thing that would have made it "perfect" is the speed control. And not every Chinese product leach. If that was true, the whole world would be in a pool filled with "leached" stuffs.
Agree with this 100%. Assuming that everything coming from a specific country is bad is simply being ignorant.
In economics, one of the reason brands like Vortech or Bubbleking can price their products at such a high price is because they have market power. The price does not necessarily reflect higher quality.
I would guess that it costs about the same to produce a vortech and a jebao wp40.