Thread: Prizm Skimmer
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Old 09-14-2002, 10:43 AM
jedimaster jedimaster is offline
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Default Prizm Skimmer

Being new here I was gonna keep my nose out but... I must say my naso spends most of its time swimming into the current of my maxi 1200 and then turns and floats back and then does the same thing. I don't think that have a tank that was foot smaller would be much of a big deal. I think ehat yo have to measure is bio load and fish activity to determine happines. As we are not able to speak fish. If you can keep your ammo, trates trite in check and your fish seem to swim around happily and eat well, then presumably then are happy. Thats all we can do is presume. I mean really what does a 190 gallon tank have over a 30 gallon long. I mean really? an extra 2 or 3 feet of swiming length? Not much considering int he ocean it could swim a couple of miles without even getting off the reef.

Having said that I do feel that providing as much space for a fish you can the better. Thats why in a couple of year once my naso gts bigger, I'll be going to a 6 foot long tank. but probably an 18" deep one as I find 24" difficult to clean on the bottom parts of the glass.I'll probably be getting only about 10-20 more gallons but more swimming space.

[ 14 September 2002, 06:49: Message edited by: jedimaster ]
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