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Old 03-06-2013, 02:47 PM
Jeff000 Jeff000 is offline
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Your basement looks like it's suppose to have two bedrooms on the one side and a bathroom between the two bedrooms. Is your rough in really on the far side by the window? Seems weird to me.
The bathroom rough in (toilet and tub) are in that room that has no doors. It's not a big deal to tear the concrete up and move the plumbing where ever I need though.
I have main floor laundry right now, and I hate it, it's in kind of a big closet and there is a closet on the other side to hand stuff up. Just not enough room for anything. So I'll turn the big closet where the washer and dryer are right now into an overstock pantry of sorts and the closet normally for handing up wet clothes into a seasonal clothing storage and linen closet.

I bought the house too late in construction to make any changes, but ya I think the "possible basement prints" they had showed 2 bedrooms with a bathroom between them. I don't need any more bedrooms though.

In what is the top corner of my picture (door will be moved to the right as far as I can), that is going to be a bathroom, it'll be 6' wide (wide as I can make it with the electrical panel where it is, and I have seriously thought about moving it, but that's a huge undertaking that I don't think will benefit me enough). So right as you enter the bathroom, the door will open to the left, immediately to the right will be a pocket door to the laundry room/storage room.
When you enter the bathroom there will be a standard size glass stand up shower on the left and then the toilet in the corner, I'll have a half wall between the shower and toilet, glass from the half wall to ceiling for the shower. And then the vanity pushed into the wall of the laundry room, gives me code clearance of the electrical panel and leaves me enough room for a normal sized door. I am just realizing I can not use a pocket door though.

I'd be SO much easier if I could put a tub/shower under the window, but I am not sure you can do that, or if you could how it would look.
I am putting a shower mostly for resale. I have it designed so that I can take the tank out and the walls there, build a wall close to the furnace, and build a wall at the post by the couch, closet going into the furnace room, makes a 12x10 bedroom in the basement and still leaves the rest of the basement open.
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