2 Radion G2 vs 3 Vega
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01-12-2013, 08:43 PM
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: calgary
Posts: 354
Originally Posted by
Just want to see why you think radions are so much better. love to see a picture of your tank just for reference thats all.
here is my tank journal it started off with sunpod 250w halide which is similiar to what it was in the 90g.
youll have to browse through the journal to see what the differences are , personally compared to halides with this tank the radions arnt quite as good as my halide was , spread wise the tank is darker , things at the bottom are just as happy as they were with the halides but the stuff on top of the tank is growing much faster since the switch.
i started at 30% and 10-12" above water level( i dont reccommend 8" )
im now comfortably at 60% peak during the day.
the switch over was a little hard on my thin fleshed corals like chalices, favias and some of my sps .
heres the link to my journal:
unfoprtunately i only have a camera phone for pictures so the quality isnt dslr, with all the money i spoend on corals you would think id have a good camera by now lol
heres a fts taken by sphelps and his dslr plus some close ups if it helps any
and some top downs taken with my phone:
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