Thread: purple tang
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Old 01-11-2013, 11:24 PM
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Originally Posted by seapony View Post
Sorry to Hyjack the thread a bit but i'm still in the process of stocking my 120g and want to add a tang and I have been trying to decide between a Purple and a Sailfin tang. I currenly have a snowflake that's around 13 inches. how aggressive is your purple to the snowfalke whatcaneyedo? would i be looking at long term heartache with a purple and a snowflake together?

also is there a good tang thread that i can read? i keep finding conflicting info about the sailfin and don't know if i should consider it.
Sea Pony
I think there will be 100% agreement that a sailfin is not a good idea. The reason is that although reefers can buy them small, next to the Vlamingi AND similar tangs they are one of the fastest growing tangs you can get. Picture a pie plate in your tank.
The best tang for a smaller tank is the kole tang. Get one with no blotches, nice and plump bright clean eyes. Active: just as interested in you as you are in him. Keep a side of your tank dirty because he needs film algae which is the greasey stuff you find on the glass. They are really nice fish to have and are easy to keep.

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