Thread: purple tang
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Old 01-11-2013, 10:56 PM
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Originally Posted by seapony View Post
Sorry to Hyjack the thread a bit but i'm still in the process of stocking my 120g and want to add a tang and I have been trying to decide between a Purple and a Sailfin tang. I currenly have a snowflake that's around 13 inches. how aggressive is your purple to the snowfalke whatcaneyedo? would i be looking at long term heartache with a purple and a snowflake together?

also is there a good tang thread that i can read? i keep finding conflicting info about the sailfin and don't know if i should consider it.
The moray often travels through the tang's preferred area during feeding time which irritates the tang. It will threaten the moray by swatting at it with its tail but has never caused any damage that I could see. The moray is barely bothered by this most of the time but I think they would be happier together with a larger tank to give each of them more territory. My intension is to give them a 5'x3'x'2 tank one day, just not in the house where I currently live.

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